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n e m e s i s

"Stretching towards the sky like I don't care. Wishing you could see me standing there. But I'm a sunflower, a little funny. If I were a rose, maybe you'd pick me."

. . .

I walk through the store, already knowing where I'm headed. I pick her favorite lilies and smile down at them before I head for the cash register and pay for them.

Humming a tune to myself, I walk out of the store and get in my car, heading for the cemetery. It's funny that on my way there Sam Smith starts playing on the radio.

Lay me down.

The song was played at her funeral.

Before I'm too deep in the memories, I quickly turn the radio off and focus on the road. I take a deep breath and park my car.

With the flowers in my hand, I walk into the cemetery. I can walk the path to her grave with closed eyes, I've done it too many times. The cemetery is empty, as usual.

When I arrive at her grave. I smile down at it sadly and take a seat beside it as I read her name. That's always been a harsh slap of reality. That she's dead.


"Hello sis," I say and lay the lilies down. "I've brought your favorite flowers, if you can tell," I chuckle, and lean my back against the hard stone. I look up at the sky and let out a sigh.

"It's hard," I say, "life without you."

I feel the tears prickle, but I won't let them fall. My breathing is erratic and uneven.

"I miss you," I confess, and look down. A tear finds its way over my cheek. "A lot has happened, you know," I say, and wipe it away.

"And I need your advice on a lot of things. And there are things I want to tell you that only you can know, but it's hard when I don't get a response," I chuckle and grab her necklace that's hanging around my neck.

"Dad and mom are doing good, and so is Matthew. He's just being his stupid self," I smile. My throat is starting to hurt at the number of sobs I'm holding in. I let the tears fall freely down my cheeks, onto the grass surrounding her grave.

"I'm sorry, I just miss you so much," I say, my voice breaking. I wipe my eyes. "And I just needed to visit you, to feel the closest as I can to you," I say, my lower lip trembling.

I squeeze my eyes shut, and let myself drown in sorrow. I miss her gentle touch, her scent whenever she'd hug me when I was sad. Her beautiful and contagious laughter.

"It's time for me to go," I whisper, and stand back up, "it's not healthy for myself to stay here longer."

I wipe my tears away for the last time and rake a hand through my hair. I start to walk towards the exit of the cemetery and try to get myself together.

"Nemesis," a voice says. I turn around and am met with Alessio. My breath hitches in my throat, and I try to compose myself. "Alessio," I croak out and clear my throat.

The way here is deserted, as no one often visits this depressing place. "What are you doing here?" I ask and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I don't want to come off as creepy," he says, "but I saw you driving and you looked pretty sad, so I followed you to make sure if you're alright. But then I saw where you were headed."

With a nod to the place behind me, I understand where he's coming from. "Yeah," I say, "my sister is buried here."

I hate the look of pity taking over his eyes. "I see," he says, and nods. I feel my eyes well up again, and he sees it. "Come here," he says and takes me in his arms. I rest my head against his chest and let out a trembling breath.

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