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Diana's POV

My blood is boiling. All I feel is rage, disappointment and humiliation. We're all on our way to my parents place. My mum looks just as pissed off. Harley has tried to console me but I'm taking it as white noise. The car swerves which alerts me then I see we are at their place. "Sorry. I just want to see what he will say" Daniel says as he is the one who is driving. We all get out and walk to the front door. Mum walks in first and we all see my dad sat and reading a book. He looks up with a soft and innocent smile. "We need to talk dad" Daniel says sternly.

Harley leans against the wall and crosses her arms while watching. I can tell she is analysing the situation. Mum sits on the sofa next to dad as for Danny and I sit opposite them. The others sit in various places as for Sash just stares at dad with anger. "What's wrong?" Dad asks with an innocent look on his face. It's hard to tell if he is being fake or not.

Mum clears her throat, "Honey do you remember Christina Walsh? From back in the day?"

His eye brows furrow, "Yes. We dated. Why?"

"She's connected to the kidnapping of Helena" His brows rise and eyes go wide. "And somehow you are connected too...Dmitri can you explain why your name was mentioned by the guards that took her. Multiple times"

Now he looks outraged, "Honey are you trying to excuse me of this horrific event? Kidnapping someone?"

Sasha mumbles, "I mean if the shoe fits"

Dad stands up and starts pacing, "Christina messaged me recently. Just to catch up with things. We bumped into each other at meeting. She didn't seem suspicious"

"If this is some crazy ex situation then this is going to be a lot of paperwork so I suggest you tell us everything you know. Tell us about her and why she and her daughter could be involved in this"

He rolls his eyes then sits back down, "Sash it's not a crazy ex situation. I'm sure Chris wouldn't do this"

Mum scoffs, "Oh so you guys have nicknames now" This makes Kali and Sash laugh.

"Listen, all I know is that she has expanded her business and her daughter is getting married soon. I don't know anything else than that" He is being honest and I can see it.

I stand up and hug him tightly which startles him at first but then he hugs me back. When I let go, mum kisses him. "And here I was rooting for you and Helena" Kali mutters.

Harley looks at me then signals to walk with her. We walk off to the living room. "We need to speak to Alyssa" I nod in response, "Shes probably our best hope before we decide to talk to her mum"

"Just try not to sleep with her when we get there" She rolls her eyes and kisses me.


Perez and Sasha head off to the station to interrogate the guards we caught. Harleys mum is in hospital with Aria while the rest of us head to Alyssas place of work. Apparently she's an industrial designer, so big bucks. We arrive to a large white building and all get out of our cars. When we walk in, there's a weird vibe. The place is like a Google replica, if you've ever seen the inside of the Google building then you'd know.

I walk to the reception where there's a young girl sat on the desk. She must be around four with a man sat next to her. They both look her and smile, "Where here to see Alyssa Walsh?"

The man nods and goes around the desk, not before putting the little girl down on the floor. The girl looks at me then at us all and smiles. She looks so familiar, it's uncanny. "And who may you be?" Kali asks as she crouches down on her level.

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