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Harleys POV

"I said that?"

Nodding, I pass her water and some tablets to help with the headaches. "You called me her son and talked about me making you cum. Mum came back for more fun instead of sleeping and you guys started talking about the karma sutra"

Diana laughs lightly but then rubs her temple, "I remember that"

"Had to stop you as soon as the size of my dick was brought into conversation. You, Sasha and your mum were talking about it then my mum joined and I stopped you"

Honestly the rest of last night was hilarious yet very embarrassing. A lot of second hand embarrassment too. The people around us ignored us at first but then some joined. Sasha and Aria were drunk talking to an old couple, then ended up drinking with them.

Mum and Beth were close, a bit too close. But Di claims that her mum flirts with basically everyone. That her dad does the same but the two just love each other. I have a feeling my mum and Beth have done stuff before but I can't tell. Di said it wouldn't surprise her, Beth is pansexual.

Daniel came after a while to get his mum, but then ended up drinking with Frankie. Di was hyping Frankie up, it was hilarious. Kali finally came to get a very drunk Beth, but once again got dragged into drinking with us. Personally I think we made the night fun.

There was definitely no filter.

She shakes her head and groans, then she smirks. "Did we have sex?"

"You tried and fell asleep" I say while laughing. "My dad is so pissed, you and Kali broke his grandmothers vase. Then Sasha tried to fix it but ended up dropping her gun in the process. Who the fuck brings a gun to a formal party?!"

I had to kick it to her so no one would see but dad caught a glimpse and nearly started a rant. Aria shut him down quickly, Dad walked off to God knows where. "Sash brings her gun and badge everywhere" Di says while climbing out of bed. The blanket falls, revealing her naked body. She looks down and shrugs then walks to the bathroom.



Even hungover she can look fierce!

"You're drooling?" Sash says from the door, I didn't even notice that Di had closed the bathroom door and out of sight.

Looking at Sash, you can see the hangover had no effect. Like seriously she looks ready for work?! It's scary because she was the worst. She kept throwing up and groaning for hours. Aria slapped her at one point for her to shut up. She did then she started it again. "You heading to work?"

"Yeah but not going into the field today, heads fucked" She says and walks off. There's the sound hear glass smash from downstairs.

"SORRY!" No fucking way.

I run downstairs, pushing Sasha in the process to see Frankie attempting to fry eggs. I grab the frying pan and look at him angrily, "No Frank! No! You will burn my house down!"

He scoffs then I see Kali walk in yawning, Aria walks after filled with hickeys on her neck. She walks to Sasha and kisses her. Kali smirks widely, "You guys were loud as fuck"

"You need some lesbian love in between those legs" Sash says laughing.

Kali grabs some orange juice from my fridge and pours herself some. Then looks at her, "Who says I don't already?" She says while looking at Aria.

There's a loud laugh, "Shut the hell up! Ahahaha you know for a fact Sash would glock you if you attempted that" Diana says as she walks to my fridge. "Plus aren't you datin-"

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