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Harleys POV

I don't know what just happened but my head hurts and I'm somehow on the floor. There's a glass plate smashed on the floor. When I look up I see Diana looking at me with concern. "What the fuck just happened?"

She hugs me tightly, "I heard glass break and then you were on the floor mumbling to yourself. What happened?"

"I don't know...I started getting a headache and came here. I saw my dad...well I thought I saw my dad. What the hell is going on?"

Diana looks at the glass and sniffs it, "There's something in this bottle. I'm guessing someone put something in it, now it's messed with your memory and time. Can you try to remember more?"

I think but everything's a blur, I shake my head and she nods. I try to stand up but my head spins more. "I'm guessing we are sleeping on the floor tonight?"

This makes me laugh lightly then remember something my dad said. I look at Diana with concern, "My dad said he has things to tell me..."

Diana looks to be in thought then stands up and walks around the house. By the time she comes back, I've sat up straight and rubbing my shoulder. "The back door was slightly open. Someone could have been here...I've got an idea but I don't know if you'd like it or not"


We stare at the grave, just stare at it. Sasha and Kali are watching Lily right now as Aria, Diana, mum and I are here. I turn around and see Frankie approaching us, he shivers and looks at the grave with disgust. "It's funny how none of us came to the actual funeral" Mum mumbles.

"It was closed casket" Frankie says. We all look at him confused, "I spoke to the funeral director a couple minutes ago, he said it was closed casket. I'm guessing there's more behind this as he seemed uncomfortable"

I sigh and stare longer. The headstone so clean and fresh looking. "A single daffodil" This time it's all eyes on me. "Just a coincidence that he would have that on his headstone"

"Why?" Aria asks confused.

Diana clears her throat, "Daffodils represent rebirth and new beginnings"

"He's not dead is he?" Mum says and the fear in her eyes.

"Well we will see" Aria adds. The two gravediggers come and dig up. After a while they get to the casket and open it. It's an empty casket. My heart drops, the others looking at it with with disappointment and shock. There's a single note. "What does it say?"

I breathe in and look at them all, "To my family. Not everything is what it seems. Please forgive me for all I have done. All the pain I have given you. I have a few things to tell you all...Harley be careful. There's things that are being hidden from you. Diana don't run away from the past, you'll be surprised by what you will uncover. Aria and Frankie, protect Harley and Helena. Finally Helena I'm sorry for not seeing that you were unhappy. I hope you find someone in whom you will love forever. Harley I'm sorry for not telling you about Lily...just know it was for your own good. I love you all. Darren."

"That son of a bitch is out there?! Doing god knows what as we are getting our lives destroyed because of him?! And that's all he tells us?!" Mum shouts, the anger evident. She storms off to her car with Frankie following her.

Aria looks down then at me, "This is all fucked up" She mutters and walks off.

Diana hugs me tightly, "I love you...we will find out the truth together"

"I think I know what we need to do first"

She follows me to the car and we make our way to Alyssas. When I get there, I bang the door. A couple seconds later and she opens the door with annoyance then shock. "What do you want?" I walk straight in and Diana follows suit. Alyssa looks at me
even more confused as ever.

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