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Diana's POV

"That's fucking adorable!"

"I may start crying"

"Oh my god same!"

Are these two ever not dramatic?

There's a knock on my door and Lisa comes in with a single dark red rose and a small bag. She passes it to me with an envelope. "A delivery guy dropped this off for you, he says to read the note" She says.

Kali and Sasha lean forward with eagerness, I open it and look at the note.

A Dark Red Rose.
Symbolic to Unconscious Beauty.
- H.G.

It makes me smile warmly then I open the bag and take out something that makes me burst out laughing. I can't stop, it's just too funny! "What is it?"

It's a small trophy saying, Worlds Best Gamer. With a chocolate egg inside. Looking up at my friends, I see them looking even more eager.

"We played video games and I beat her in this game she claimed that she's great at. She says I cheated because I fed her a chocolate egg during the game which apparently distracted her." I giggle as I say it out loud. Her face when she lost was hilarious.

They look at me in awe then Sasha reaches out and grabs the stuff, the two of them read the note and look at the stuff. "And you still didn't fuck? How disappointing"

It makes me smile and lean back on my chair, Kali smirks. "You've smiled more in the past couple hours than the past five years" The comment makes me frown and feel my coldness build up again as a thought comes up. Kali looks saddened, "Sorry I mentioned it"

"I've got work to do. I'll see you guys at lunch" I mumble while marking out some stuff.

"Aww Di don't do this. Don't put your guards up again!" Sash argues. "Is there anything we can do to make you feel better?" Kali nods in agreement.

I feel bad for being cold towards them but I don't want to fake a smile with them. I don't want to pretend with them, right now the thought alone has made me feel like shit. It has this power over me to make me weak and vulnerable, wanting to cry. I've only found anger and putting my guard up to make me feel better.

The door opens again and we all look up to see someone holding a large box. It's blocking there face until they put it down and it's reveals Harley. She smiles brightly and it just makes me smile. Sash mumbles, "Looks like we've found what makes her not think about it" Kali laughs and nods.

"Sorry to disturb you guys" Harley starts, "Um this box is a present for you. Now I don't want you to open it till our second date. It will make sense then. But if you open it before, I'll find out" She points her finger at me.

I lean back and laugh softly, "What would you do if I did open it?"

She pouts and scratches her head, "Please don't! It's a really good surprise and I can't keep it at my place because then I want to open it!"

Standing up, I walk towards her and peck her cheek. "I won't open it" I whisper and she smiles then gives me a peck on the lips. "I told you not to do that again"

"You didn't kiss me last night. It was only fair!"

"I did kiss you. Now I'm regretting it" I walk away smirking but she grabs my waist and spins me around to face her.

She leans down and captures my lips, it's a sensational feeling. It's not the typical electricity that people say in movies, it's ten times more than that. This felt stronger and held a lot to it. When we catch a breath she looks at me and her eyes are dark. It makes me chuckle lightly, "You know you don't regret it"

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