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Diana's POV

I lean in but then we get interrupted by a knock on the door. "Ignore it" She whispers and presses her lips onto mine.


"Harley baby are you in there?" The door opens instantly and we move apart. The skank walks in with a bright white toothy smile then looks at Harley and kisses her.

Okay now I think I may throw up.

Harley looks uncomfortable and tries to push her off, the girls hand moves down to Harleys zipper and thats when I recognise a big bulge again. She must be really into wearing a strap. I roll my eyes and walk out the bathroom heading straight to the girls. Sasha looks slightly better as Aria is giving her water and they're talking. Danny and Frankie are flirting and Kali is talking to some random guy.

"I'm heading home" I say sternly and walk away. As soon as I get outside, there's my driver waiting for me and I enter the car. The drive is longer than usual due to the late night traffic. But in that time, it's like everything I felt the second I kissed her, came rushing back. She sleeps around all the time, what should I really expect.

A sigh escapes me, "Are you okay Ms?" Gerald asks.

I think about it, "I think I'm starting to like someone but they are a player...yet they make me feel a feeling that I thought I lost a long time ago"

"Have you told them that?"


"If you believe that something good can come out of this then pursue it. You wouldn't want to regret not at least trying" He sighs, "I know you're worried that this person will be like him. But you need to stop thinking that" A cold breeze ran through me at the thoughts of before.

Gerald saw me at my worst, not even my friends had seen me like that. He consulted me and tried to help but I refused at the time. "Thank you"

"It's all good Ms"

We have light conversation for the rest of the ride, the heaviness of the last topic simmering away. Once here, I say my goodbyes and go straight inside. My dress comes off at ease and so does my heels. And honestly the pain of those heels were the worst. Looking at the time I see it's quite late and decide to just go to sleep.

I take a quick shower and change into some shorts and an oversized shirt. Then the door bell rings, who the fuck could be here at this time. I huff and make my way to the door, opening it to reveal Harley. She's wearing hoodie and shorts, her hair looks slightly wet. I'm guessing she got here right after taking a shower. "Why are you here?"

She smiles slightly, "Can we talk?"

"No I want to go to bed. I'm exhausted" As I try to close the door and slips in and runs upstairs. I run after her after slamming the door and walk into my room to see her on my bed. Her hoodies off revealing her in a plain grey shirt. "What are you doing?"

"You said you want to go to bed. I'm tired too. So let's sleep"

I could argue about this and kick her out but looking at the time, it's pretty late and I'm too lazy right now to fight. "Fine" She looks surprised. I lay down, pulling the blanket onto me. Then my eyes slowly fall as my head hits the pillow. In the process I feel an arm wrap around my waist and it gives me warmth...relaxation.


Harleys POV

Mmmm. That feels nice. Something is rubbing against my dick and lord I may cum. My eyes slowly open seeing black hair. Then I soon remember everything from last night. The sun peeks through, blinding me. Her ass is pressed against my dick and every-time she moves it reacts with pleasure. "Mmm Diana, could you move away a little please" She doesn't react, she just hums.

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