Raven's Burnout

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I'm alive? Also totally not projecting... Warning!!! Suicidal thoughts and attempt.

   School. Work. Sleep. Repeat.

   That became Raven's routine. He went to school from 8 to 12 and then worked from 1 to 9. That barely left time for showers and homework. No one ever said going to college would be easy...

   It didn't help that he hated his job. He was paid crappy, he was a senior worker for ceying out loud, his boss hated him, he was always exhausted after school anyway...

   Print was alreay concerned. Ravens mental health had nevee been the best and this exhastion was only going to get worse. Raven was edging closer to the inevitable burnout...

   Blueprint tried to say something... It didn't go over well. Raven brushed him off and kept workinf on his essay. Goth did nothing but aggrivate Raven. Morang and Geno were gentle but still couldn't peirce Raven's thick skull. Even Reaper couldn't get through to Raven correctly.

   Blueprint woke up early one morning to the cold. The clock read 3 am. Raven shouldn't be gone yet... But he was. Print tried the cell first. It rang in the living room... Print got a feeling of dread. He pulled some shoes on and took off. He had a hunch...

   Print's throat tightened when he saw the figure. He was full on standing on the other side with only one hand holding the rail. "Raven!"

   Raven didn't even move. "What's the point... Everyone is out to get me, Print." His voice was a terrifying monotone.

   Print was afraid to close in. He could easily spook Raven... "Baby... You need a break."

   "No shit." Still no reaction. " I don't even know why I get out of bed in the morning."

   Print saw the bags under Raven's sockets. He was exhausted and worn down. "Raven come back over here... You can take a day, no, a week off. You need the time to rest!"

   Raven released the bar and Print squeaked. His boyfriend was only leaning on the bar now. The smallest slip up and he was gone.

   "Raven please. Please! Please I you jump I will follow you!"

   That earned a reaction. Raven gripped the bar and turned his head. "Don't!"

   "Raven I can't lose you..." Print whispered. He knew his was a low blow but he couldn't coax Raven back any other way. "If you die I am too..."

   Raven gripped the bar with both hands. A pained look flashed across his face before he swung one leg back over the bar and then the other.

   Print yanked his boyfriend away from the bar quickly. "I almost lost you..."

   Ravens eye light dimmed. "I'm so–"

   " Stop! You stop! I love you so so muh Raven. You deserve a break to fix yourself. This overworking has lead to a burnout. You were doing so well... You need to take care of yourself baby..."

   Raven swallowed lightly. "M'sorry..."

   "Its okay..." They were boh silent for a moment. "Come on... Lets go get you some real sleep."

   "M'kay..." Raven didn't protest.

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