Tooth - Short Scene

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   "Ya know... I always wondered. Why do you have that gold tooth Fresh?" Club asked softly crunching on some popcorn. It was movie night with just the three of them.

   Fresh glanced over and hummed. "Wow. That was actually a long time ago. I was... eightish? I had just turned eight I'm pretty sure." His face scrunched in thought. "Error and I were having a fight about something and then Geno woke up. I said something Error didn't like and then he pushed me down the stairs. My skull was cracked and my tooth fell out."

   "What?" Club paused the movie and sat up straight. "No way. Error did that? He would never. I mean I get that you two didn't like each other back then but still!" 

   "No no its true!" Deccy chimed in. "I was super worried when my mom told me CQ had called."

   "Yeah Error really really didn't like me back then." Fresh chuckled softly to himself and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sometimes I forget that tooth is even there honestly." 

   Club sat back and resumed the movie in silence. He couldn't really focus thought because of the thought that Error had done that to Fresh. It was unbelievable...

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