Vacation Pt. 3: Stranded

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   Reaper hated the taste of salt water.

   By the time he reached land all he wanted was water. There was a puddle just in the tree line. He staggered over and scooped some up to drink it.

   Next thing he focused on was looking around. He had no clue where his parachute went or where the plane went down.... Or where anyone else was.

   "Hello? Geno? Anyone?" Reaper called. His voice was still harsh from the salt water. There was no response. Great. Reaper shifted to sit on the sand with his knees close. He took a  deep breath and sighed quietly. "Calm yourself..."

   Reaper didn't like being alone. Everyone else jumped before him... They had to survive. Maybe some of them washed up here as well?

   "HELP!" A scream split the air.

   Reaper jolted. That sounded like Fresh. He cupped his hands around his face. "Where are you?" He called back. 

   There was a moment. Reaper began to think he imagined it. "Un-under some trees! I'm stuck!" 

   Reaper sucked in a breath and headed into the trees. "Keep talking so I can find you!" 

   "Reaper? That is you right?" The voice called. Reaper used it to locate him. 

   "Yeah. It's me. Have you seen anyone else?" Reaper hoped they could find the others fast...

   "No. I was with Deccy when we hit the water but then we were separated by a wave." Fresh called back. "I think my leg is broken!"

   Reaper swallowed and pushed some branches aside. 

   Fresh's was flat on his stomach with his leg trapped under a rock. He looked up at the sound and gave a relieved smile. "I have never been so happy to see you."

   The older gave a nervous chuckled and went to carefully get the rock off of Fresh. The leg was indeed broken. The rock must have fallen on him with a point because only one of the bones was snapped. Reaper knew some basic first aid... "Okay Hold your breath."

   Fresh sucked in.

   Reaper tore a piece of cloth off his shirt and picked up a nearby branch. He snapped the bone into place grimacing at the way Fresh flinched. He used the branch to support the leg and tied it up using scrap cloth. "That should work for now..."

   The younger male sat up carefully. "Thanks..."

   "Think you could walk with my help?" Reaper offered. He didn't want to be in the forest when the sun set... They had no idea what animals were in here...

   Fresh pushed himself up taking all the weight off his leg. "Yeah. I should be able too..."

   Reaper nodded and went to help Fresh head toward the beach. They could look for the others when the sun came back up...

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