Gen2Chat + Enter Omniverse

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JESSICA! - Jessie
LemonMorang - Morang
GothicLiterature - Goth
Protecc - Palette
Cupid - Valentine
GirlPower - Clover
SevenUp - Seven
Crayon - Crayola
Reaper2.0: Raven
WindowBoi - Elitte
Diamonte - Bluescreen
Runescape - Rune
Decipher - Cypher
Yellowo - Nano
Bluwu - Kion
Piwink - Xian

Crayon added 5 people

GirlPower: Yet again another example of Crayola running the chat...

Crayon: Guys meet my Omniverse gang. Rolecall.

Decipher: Hi hi! I'm Cypher!

Runescape: Im Rune! Cyphers older sister! Our dad is Matthew!

Decipher: And there goes any chance at making friends.

Decipher deleted 1 message

Reaper2.0: 1st of all WE CAN DELETE MESSAGES!?!?!?

Reaper2.0: 2nd of all, wut was that?

SevenUp: Well this got off track fast. 

SevenUp: I didn't know Matthew had kids.

Crayon: He isn't the only one! Uncle Matt has kids too!

Yellowo: Hi im Nano the oldest of identical triplets

Bluwu: Im KIon. The middle spawn.

Piwink: Xian.

Cupid: I respect that response.

GirlPower: Emo.


Cupid: I am nOT!

LemonMorang: Are too. 

GothicLiterature: Raven dad says you snuck out again. 

Reaper2.0: Papa said it was okay.

Diamonte: Oof

GothicLiterature: We both know dad is the boss of papa.

Reaper2.0: So?

SevenUp: Dang. Though Goth and Raven fixed this.

Protecc: Gothy be nice.

GothicLiterature: He wondered where you were!

Reaper2.0: Oh he wondered huh? Not worried?

Reaper2.0 deleted 1 message

GothicLiterature: What did you say!?

Reaper2.0: Nothing. Whatever. Drop it.

Crayon: All they ever do is fight now...

JESSICA!: Children...

GothicLiterature: Fine. Ill drop it. 

Decipher ----> Reaper2.0

Decipher: Are you okay? That looked rough... Im Cypher btw.

Reaper2.0: Raven. And i'm fine. My brother just knows he's the favorite and likes to flaunt it sometimes. 

Decipher: Yeah I get that... My sister has these amazing powers and my dad barely notices me sometimes...

Reaper2.0: Sorry..

Decipher: Its fine. Im gonna prove that im good enough to be his son. 

Reaper2.0: Neat

Reaper2.0: I like you. 

Decipher: I like you too. 

Decipher: :3

Reaper2.0: Dork

Decipher: :D Bye. Gtg. ttyl.

Reaper2.0: See ya. 

Both are offline

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