The Depression Chat + Sibling Discussion

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Trapped - Fresh
SlatesCane - Club
SorryMum - Reaper
FunkOffDad - Decans
SocietySucks - Error
RealBoy - Matthieu

RealBoy: So my younger brother kinda went completely insane and tried to control everything in existence and that included murdering a bunch of people and I don't know how to feel cuz i kinda did the same thing a long time ago except i didn't actually murder people cuz their code existed so they were just rebooted and im having a panic attack but i have three children to take care of please help. 

SorryMum: Life be like that sometimes

Trapped: Reaper shut up

SlatesCane: Okay take a deep breath. You need to breathe first of all. 

SocietySucks: Are we still not questioning the basically a god person thing?

Trapped: Error shut up!

RealBoy: Siblings amirite?

Trapped: Yes.

SocietySucks: Ouch?

Trapped: Geno is mentally stable and Error is well... Error

Trapped: Siblings are weird

SocietySucks: Try having the "Ultimate Mom Friend" as a brother. 

SocietySucks: A younger one at that

RealBoy: I have 7 siblings. One older brother, 4 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters. My older brother is literally the most powerful being in existance. My younger sister is a queen. My younger brother kinda went kucoo. My other younger brothers are twins. My youngest sister and brother are both training for the royal guard. 

RealBoy: Oh and Im adopted :)

SlatesCane: Wow. Ouch.

SlatesCane: Im the oldest of four siblings. My younger brother is mentally stable btu a little bit evil inside. My other younger brother is studying law and our youngest brother is the inheritor of our families fortune. we're all half siblings because our dad was a whore. 

Trapped: Language.

SlatesCane: Apologies. 

SlatesCane: Anyway after our dad died there was a huge custody battle over use and our bastard of a great uncle (Still not sure were actually related. I think he was our grandfathers friend or something so why did HE get custody of us. P sure he paid them off.) got custody and moved us hours away from any contact with our mothers and then he beat me :)

RealBoy: Poor thing

SocietySucks: Wow are you like okay? How long have you been holding that in?

SlatesCane: Im great :)

SorryMum: Haha

SorryMum: I have one younger brother and my mom thought he would live longer than me so she took him and just left me alone to rot for years. And then I kinda scared the crud out of these guys and they still hold it over my head!

SorryMum: Thanks a lot mum. Still Bitter about it.

Trapped: Ouch. 

RealBoy: I love my siblings but they suck.

Trapped: Agreed

SocietySucks: Yup

SlatesCane: Life in general sucks

SorryMum: Totally agree.

FunkOffDad: Im an only child. 

RealBoy: . . .

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