Gen2Chat + Wait a Minute

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ACTUALLY THOUGHT THIS ONE OUT!!!! Also. LOOOOONNNGGG. For a chat chapter that is... Actually its pretty long for a regular chapter too. 880 something words including this announcement. 

JESSICA! - Jessie
LemonMorang - Morang
GothicLiterature - Goth
Protecc - Palette
Cupid - Valentine
GirlPower - Clover
SevenUp - Seven
Crayon - Crayola
Reaper2.0: Raven
WindowBoi - Elitte
Diamonte - Bluescreen
TokTik - Tik Tok
Dawn - Dusk
Blood? - Streak
SuperNova - Nova
Decipher - Cypher

Diamonte: Wait wait wait

Diamonte: You're Tik Tok Overwrite?

TokTik: . . . Yes?

Protecc: GASPU!!! Tik tok!!!

Diamonte: WOW! It is you!

TokTik: ?????

Diamonte: Its me Blueprint!

Protecc: and Palette!!!

TokTik: !!!!!

TokTik: Print and Pally!!! Oh my gosh! 

Seven: Woah

Reaper2.0: What is happening here?

GothicLiterature: >:(

GirlPower: Wow they are all jealous

Reaper2.0: Im not jealous im just confused

TokTik: How have you guys been!!! I haven't seen you guys since we were all at Uncle Nights house for Christmas that one year!

Protecc: I know!!! Its been so long!

Diamonte: Hows Dusk and them?

TokTik: Good good! I had no idea it was you guys!!!

GothicLiterature: What is happening!?!?!??!

Protecc: Okay so remember my uncle Nightmare?

Protecc: Well Tik Tok is a friend of my cousin. We used to hand out all the time when we went over there! Thats how I knew Blueprint!

Diamonte: Yuppers!

Reaper2.0: Oh...

Diamonte: You didn't think you guys were my only friends right?

Cupid: He totally did

WindowBoi: Awww

Reaper2.0: I will destroy you

LemonMorang: Aww hes embarrased

SevenUp: good

TokTik: Bear were you jealous?

SevenUp: Try that and you will regret it.

TokTik: Sure thing Bear.

Crayon: Awww

Cupid: So you're over the whole "seven didnt tell me thing?"

Crayon: Yeah. 

GirlPower: Love how Raves made fun of Seven and Goth for being possessive day one in this chat and now look at him

Reaper2.0: Was a call back that far really necessary

LemonMorang: Yes because you changed so much

GothicLiterature: Karmas a bitch

Crayon: He is not!

SevenUp: Crayola thats not what he meant-

Cupid: This is chaos and I love it

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