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??? Pov

I grinned as I saw the three of them resting in the living room in a magical mirror. I touched the mirror slightly with my fingertip and my finger went in through the mirror.

I pulled my hand back before y/n could saw it and smiled at the sight of y/n clueless face.

"Y/n, I will meet you soo, my baby"


Y/n Pov

I blinked my eyes a few times as my eyes examined the mirror.

I think I just saw a finger poking from inside the mirror. Am I daydreaming?


A voice startled me from my thought and I turned to face Jin with a 'what' face.

"I have been calling you for three times already but you just starred into the wall. Are you daydreaming or something?" He asked and I just smiling sheepishly, not knowing what to say.

Maybe I'm just imagining things...

"Nothing. I just thought of my period time" I lied and I saw Namjoon blushed at my words while Jin made an 'ooh' face.

"Do you need a pad?"

This time, I'm the one who embarrassed by his bluntness.

"Maybe later. I-it's still not the time for...that" I said lowly and his hand reached up to my head to pat my head like a dog.

"You don't need to be embarrassed, princess. I have been told about girls things since I'm 12. My mom said as a man, we need to have knowledge about those so, we can carry our job as a husband"

"Can we stop talking about my period?!... It's making me uncomfortable especially when boys talk about it" I murmured, loud enough for Jin and Namjoon to hear.

"Sure, princess" He smiled softly at me and pulled me by my waist to him so, my head was resting on his broad shoulder.

"I think I should get going" Namjoon suddenly stood up. "I feel like a third-wheel when I'm with both of you being lovey-dovey"

He made a 'throw up' face and I laughed, playfully hit him.



He lifted my chin up using his finger to look at him and a smile creeped up on his face, revealing dimples on his cheek.

I can felt Jin's eyes darkened in a blink of eyes, piercing into my back.

"Have fun~" He whispered to my ear in teasing tone, slightly blew into my ear sending shiver down to my spine.

He smirked slightly and backed away to walk out of the house. I can felt Jin griped around me tighten around my hips and I shallowed the lump in my throat.

"Should we continue what we stopped just now...in the kitchen?"

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