the letter

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Hawks pov

The first line of the letter makes me want to vomit. Each letter and word represents her thinking and how her mind works. I'll never understand what she's going through. But I'll always be there to help her with whatever she needs. Fuck, I will help her.

You never know when it could be the last time you see someone. Surgery can take a turn for the unexpected. So many things in the world can go wrong at any moment.

In some ways, we're so alike with how we think. We think for the worst instead of the better. It kills me knowing that when something goes well for her, the worst thing that could happen hits her first.

The moral of the story is I can't thank you enough for being by my side through this whole thing. Helping me through my worst when I didn't want to keep fighting or take my meds. Thank you for pushing me to go to the doctor's office and taking care of me, holding my hair back when I was sick, giving me a shoulder to lean on when I needed it most. Honestly, who knows if I'd still be here if it wasn't for you.

All I'm trying to say is, you should start thinking more about yourself. What's best for you. Don't let so many people get in your head. I'll be by your side through it all.

I know we've had some bad times and I'd be lying if I said I didn't think we'd make it this long but I'm proud we fought through it and I can't say how happy it makes me that I can call you my boyfriend.

I can't explain how much I'm gonna miss you. The plane rides and drives will be so worth the wait.
I know this isn't long. Just a little appreciation letter for you because I don't say it enough. I love you.


your love <3

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