Chapter 47

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Today is the day I'm finally able to go home. I may have slept through my whole hospital visit but I'm still excited to get out of here.

"I'm just going to need you to stand up slowly, Lillian. Your legs might be a little bit numb since you haven't been able to fully walk in a few weeks," Doctor Houston tells me.

I slowly place my foot onto the ground, keeping my hand placed on Eli's shoulder. I steadily balance myself and stand up. Eli quickly helps keep my balance and locks onto my arm.

"Good, that's good Lillian," Doc says. "Now, I'll see you back here in a week just to check-in." I nod and we head out.

Mom and I arrive at the car along with Eli. "I'll meet you back at the house, ok?" he says.

"Yea" I respond. He smiles and kisses me lightly, then opening the passenger side door for me. I climb in and he shuts it.

It's weird, this is the first time in a while that we've gone a couple of days without fighting. Maybe talking was the main thing we really needed to work on to help us.

It's nice that I can finally walk right without struggling to stand up or being out of breath right away. I'll admit it hasn't gone away completely but it's definitely better.

On the drive home, much hasn't been said between my mom and me. I know she's sort of angry I haven't been taking my sickness seriously but that's just my way of getting through it.

"So you and Eli ok?" she breaks the silence.

"Yea, why?"

"I just wondered. You said a couple of days ago he wasn't your boyfriend but it sure seems like he is"

"He's not my boyfriend. We just didn't want a label on anything and we both have things we need to work on, that's all."

We do act like we're together because I mean technically we are. But I don't think either of us is ready to confirm it. It's only been a couple of days since we broke up.

"Just be careful, Lillian." she looks at me, concerned.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing bad. Just his mom has told me that's he's been getting in trouble a lot at school. I don't want you to follow in his footsteps" She answers.

How can she say that when I haven't been to school in a little while. She has known him since he was little, always would say how sweet he was and still is.

"It's not his fault he gets in trouble at school, it's the other dojo's. He's different around me, you wouldn't understand," I turn to look out the window.

"No, trust me I do understand. I've been in almost the same situation." she pauses. "Look, I don't want to start a fight with you. All I'm saying is you have a lot on your plate right now. Don't let him disrupt everything"
I stay quiet.

He does the complete opposite of disrupting everything. He's the one who pushes me to go to the doctor, to take my meds, and makes sure I'm ok. If only she saw the real him.

We arrive home and thankfully I'm able to stand up on my own. Eli gets here a little bit after us and runs up to help me. "Hey, be careful. You literally just got back on your feet," he grabs my arm and wraps it in his.

"I'm ok, Eli. Really it's fine" I tell him. He just looks at me and smiles, ignoring what I said.

"Be quiet and let me help you" he laughs and helps me up the stairs to the front door. We walk in to find two vases of flowers on the kitchen table. I look between Eli and my mom confused but a huge smile creeps up on my face.

I walk up to them and take off the note on both of them. The vase of beautiful Tulips is from the Diaz's and one of the Lillies is from Johnny. The Diaz's note has nothing on it but saying it's from them. Johnny must have told them I was in the hospital again. Johnny's note states, "Lillies for my Lillian". The note brights up my face. It makes me so happy that he's really trying.

"Wow, these are beautiful," I say. Unfortunately, Johnny doesn't have a phone that I can call him and say thank you. I take my phone out of my pocket and call Miguel.

"Lillian, hey!" He says, excitedly.

"Hey! I just wanted to thank you guys for the flowers!"

"Of course. My whole family loves you. How are you doing?" he asks. I'm holding back on telling him that it got worse, he doesn't need any more bad news.

"Better, actually since I got released today. The new meds are definitely working and I hope it stays like that" I laugh.

"That's great, Lil. I have some good news too, I also just got back on my feet" he says, excitedly.

"Holy shit! That's awesome Miguel!" I turn around to Eli. "Miguel's walking again!" I yell to him. He quickly stands up from the couch and rushes over to me, grabbing my phone.

"Miguel that's fucking awesome!" He tells him, enthusiastically.

I can't hear anything they're saying but I go and sit down on the couch, slightly out of breath. Standing long still isn't good but at least I can stand.

"Here's the phone back" Eli hands it to me and I put it back up to my ear, standing up.

"Miguel, it's me now" he and I laugh.

"When can I come to visit you?" he asks me.

"Not too sure but I'm sure I'll see you sometime in school?" I question looking at my mom for an answer. That's one question we didn't ask the doctor if I could go back to school. Mom shrugs and leaves the room.

"Yea, my first day back is in a couple of weeks but look I gotta go. I'll talk to you soon" he says and hangs up the phone. I look over to Eli sitting back down on the couch scrolling through the tv.

I make my way over to him and climb onto his lap. His hair is down, out of a mohawk and he's in a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

"I'm really thankful for you, you know," I say to him, running my fingers through his hair.

"I'm really thankful for you too," he smiles and places his hands on my hips.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask him.

"Can't we just hang here? You just got out of the hospital."

"We could do that. Or.....we could do a mall date?" I ask, excitedly.  He rolls his eyes and groans.

"But that's a lot of walking for you, Lil. I don't think your body could handle it" I frown, hopping off his lap and sitting down next to him on the couch, crossing my arms. Just the other day he was complaining that he didn't want to be my nurse but he's the one making himself that.

I only have five years left, no time to waste.

"Fine, if you won't go with me then I'll just ask Camero-" he cuts me off.

"Don't finish that sentence" he demands. "Let's go" He stands up, grabbing his keys. I excitedly get up and hug him from behind, kissing his neck.

"I love youuuu" I drag on and on.

He slightly smirks. "I love you more". I grab his hand from behind him and we head out.


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