Chapter 7

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"Hawk! Lillian! Over here!" Aisha waves us over. Eli gives me a worried look. "I promise I didn't know she would be here" he whispers. "It's fine". We make our way to the table and pull up to more chairs. The truth is I've never had a problem with Moon, how could she have known Eli and I were talking. It wasn't her fault, it was Eli's.

"Hey you must be Lillian," Tory says. "And you must be Tory"

"Yup the one and only" we laugh. "Tory kicked ass at practice the other day," Aisha said.

"Well, it will be nice to have another girl in cobra kai." I hold my phone out to her, "Uh here's my number. We should hang out sometime" I have a feeling Tory and I are going to be great friends.

"Defiantly," Tory says.

I completely forgot that Moon was even sitting there. Hawk got up to go talk to Chris and Assface. I only call him Hawk around Cobra kai, I know calling him Eli around anyone from Cobra Kai makes him embarrassed. "Hey Moon" Someone has to break the awkwardness between her and me, might as well be me. 

"Hey, Lillian. I hope there's not bad blood between us. I'm sorry for what happened at the canyon. I didn't know you guys were together."

I really appreciate her apologizing. "It's all good, don't worry about -" Aisha cuts me off, "Did I just hear that right? You and Hawk are together!!" She screeches in joy.

I laugh, "Yea he asked me out this morning".

"Yesss! I'm so happy for you both!"

"Thanks, Aisha. Uh, where's Miguel?" I ask. I thought he was supposed to be here too.

Tory points at where he's sitting and throws an ice cube at him.

"Heyy," Miguel says to Tory. I could see them together, it's obvious she likes him. I'll have to bring it up to her later. "What are you doing over there?" she asks.

"Making something". Probably something for school. I haven't talked to him in a while, ever since Cobra Kai started getting big, we drifted.

Hawk comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, "Hey babe. I've got to go do something. Can you find a way home?" What? He's just going to leave me here?
I look at him confused, "Uh, yeah I guess". "Great, I'll talk to you later" I nod and he kisses my forehead and walks out. What the hell was that about.

*ring* *ring* shit that's my phone
My mom's name pops up on the screen.
"hey mom"
"Hey, where are you? your doctor wants us to come to the hospital to check your stats" That's random. Why would she want to meet with us without making an appointment?
"I'm at apple bees with a few friends. Can you come get me and we can go?"
"Sure. I'll be there soon." she ends the call.

I say bye to everyone and wait outside for my mom. 10 minutes later she shows up and we head to the hospital.

"Lillian! Ms. Hills! How are you guys!"The doctor asks. "As good as I could be" my mom and the doctor smile at my response.

"Well, I just wanted to call you guys in here and talk about your treatment plan. We have your second round of chemo next week and we will figure out more once we do some tests today." I nod and the doc takes me to the back to get tested.

Time skip

Mom and I have been waiting for the results for the last 20 minutes. I hate doctor's appointments because of how long they take, I could graduate high school in the amount of time I'm here. I check my socials and see a text from Demetri. I miss talking to him.

So that's who your friends with now?

what are you talking about?

You know exactly what I'm talking about Lillian. Don't play dumb.

No, I don't. I'm at a doctor's appointment. What happened.

Oh.  It's Wednesday so you know I go to get the new comic and little do I know hawk comes and attacks me because of a stupid yelp review.

Demetri. I'm so sorry. I had no idea.

Yea well whatever. control your boyfriend

So that's where he went during apple bees. What yelp review did he leave.?

The doctor comes in and we review the stats, "Some of your stats are still a little low. We want to make your second round of chemo today instead of next week. We don't know if we have that much time."

"What do you mean to have enough time?" Does that mean I'm dying?
"The meds aren't working as fast as we need and the cancer is beating you. We need the chemo to do its work" I said this would happen. I don't even want them to bother.

"Don't bother with it. It's probably not even going to work. I'm not doing it" the doctor walks out giving my mom and me space.

"Oh yes, you are! You don't have a choice here Lillian. You need the chemo if you want to get better-" I cut her off, "That's where you're wrong, mom. I'm not going to bother so stop trying!" I walk out of the hospital leaving my mom in the room. What's the point of spending all that money if I'm just going to die anyway.

As I'm walking, I get a phone call from a random number.
"Hey, Lillians. It's Tory!"
"Oh, what's up!"
"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out. I know a bar we could go to"
"Sure, send me the address and I'll meet you there"
"Okay great!" she ends the call.

One drink couldn't hurt. Right?

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