Chapter 24

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We laid there for 20 minutes, just us. No interruptions, no talking. It's like for the whole
relationship all we've done is fight instead of just sitting down and talking or even spending time with each other. 

He starts to sit up placing his hands in mine. "I almost lost my best friend. Now I could be losing my girlfriend." I can't help but wonder that he only sees me as his girlfriend. Not his best friend that's been there since the beginning but only the girlfriend. That when he turned into "Hawk" all the memories from before erased from his mind.

I open my mouth to speak but everything stutters to come out. "You don't get it. I wasn't trying to-"

"No! You don't get it!" He yells, "You only think of yourself. Not me, not Miguel, god even Johnny. I'm your boyfriend! I should know about things like this."

"Oh fuck off Hawk! This isn't about you! I want to have a normal life, it's like I'm on the sidelines of a football game cheering everyone on because I can't live my life without this stopping me." I cry.

"You can only make yourself better. You're in denial that this is never going to get better, that for the rest of your life you'll get worse day by day." He cups my face in his hands, "You have people who love you, Lillian. People who need you." I sob. He pulls me into a hug with my head into his chest.

"I just wanted to feel ok" I mumble into his chest. The truth is I wanted my life to go back to how it was before I was diagnosed. When it was me, Demetri, and Eli. I had nothing to worry about because I always had them. It was the three of us against the world.

Two years ago

"Tonight. My house. The movies finally came in!" I say Excitedly. Every Friday night Demetri and Eli come over to my house and we have a movie night. Tonight we're watching Harry Potter for the first time, all eight movies.

"Finally. We have to start earlier so we can watch all of them. And I better get the bean bag, because I'll kill the both of you if one of you takes it" Demetri scoffs. Eli and I both laugh at what he says. He's always been the stubborn one, always getting what he wants.

"My mom made cookies so I'll provide snacks and drinks," Eli says

Since we were younger I've always adored Eli. He is so sweet, I never understood why he got bullied so much. He doesn't deserve any of it, especially for his scar above his lip, the one thing he's the most insecure about. I wish he knew that it's not as bad as he thinks, as a matter of fact it's not bad at all. It's cute.

I arrive at home and start to set everything up. Moving the couch in front of the tv along with the massive bean bag. Almost all of us could fit on the bean bag but Demetri demands he gets the whole thing to himself. I grab all of our blankets along with pillows, setting it all up the way we like it.

Around Four pm, They both arrive. Eli brings all of our favorite sodas Pepsi for Demetri, Cherry coke for me, and Sprite for himself. He also brought his moms famous chocolate chip cookies, she would
make them whenever one of us was upset.

Demetri hops on his bean bag while I put the first movie in. Eli and I share the couch while I lean my head on his shoulder, the normal position was in for movies. We were always so close but never doing more than just cuddling. We wouldn't want to make it awkward between the three of us, it was us against the world. We let no one come between us, not Yasmine, not Kyler, not anyone.


I just cried into his chest for an hour,  not even about everything right now but the friendship that I miss. The memories, the three best friends that aren't together anymore.

"I know something that will cheer you up. Are you allowed to get up?" Hawk asks. I nod. He gets up and grabs my hand. I take my iv pole and we walk up to the elevator.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"You'll see" He winks at me, still holding my hand. We get into the elevator and go up 3 floors. We walk down the hallway to a couple of rooms. We turn into someone's room.

"El Sepiente!" Hawk puts his hand on the doorway. I look at him like he's crazy still not knowing who's room this is.

"Babe we can't just walk into someone's hospital roo-" I pause as I see Samatha LaRusso walk out of the room. Holy shit. Hawk turns back to Sam.

"You got some never coming after what your boyfriend did to him" He snaps.

"I don't care what you think. I just wanted to help" she says. "Lillian? Is everything ok?"

Hawk snaps in her face to bring her attention back to him. "Pretty sure you've done enough, princess" He grabs my hand again pulling me into the hospital room. My eyes spot Miguel's body in the bed.

"Holy shit! Miguel!" I run over to him forgetting about the iv bags connected to my arm. Hawk brings the pole over for me before they rip out of my arm.

"Hey, bro" Hawk says to him.

"When did you? When did you wake up?!" I say excitedly hugging him.

"Yesterday. What's going on with you, why you in here?"

"I don't want to talk about me. You're awake! How, how are you?" His face turns into a frown.

"Doctor says I may not walk again." His lips go flat. I stand up off the bed in shock. I look over at Hawk, his face confused as I am.

"What? No. They can't know that" I say.

Miguel laughs, "Sensei said the same thing. They know the most, you should know Lillian better than everyone".

I look down at my feet, "I guess" I mumble.

We all talk and catch Miguel up on everything he's missed until a doctor comes in and sends me back to my room for more treatments. Hawk decided to go home for the night to grabs clothes and shower. My Mom hasn't been able to look at me. Every once in a while she'll peek in my room and check on me but she mainly spends her time talking to Mrs. Moskowitz in the waiting room. When I see the glimpse of her I see the disappointment in her eyes. That this isn't the daughter she raised. The daughter she raised was powerful and knew her worth. But now, her daughters weak.

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