Chapter 40

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"Lil, wake up. We have to leave soon." A hand rubs my shoulder.

My eyes flutter open, "What time is it?" I ask. I must have fallen asleep on the couch last night with Eli. I feel disgusting, my head still pounding, and my chest aches.

"Six forty-five. I don't want to rush you but we need to leave in thirty minutes. And your mom already left for work said she had to go in early" he stands up and walks toward the kitchen.

"I don't even remember falling asleep last night." I rub my head with my hand. My head feels the same as it did last night, maybe worse. I thought maybe taking my meds would help but it didn't do a thing.

"Yea not long after we ordered food you were out. I didn't want to disturb you so I left you on the couch. Oh and don't worry I slept on the chair, I didn't think you would be comfortable with me sleeping next to you just yet"

It makes my heart happy that it seems like he really is trying to make things work between us.

I smile at him, "Thank you"

I watch as he grabs a few things from the kitchen and walks back over to me. "Yea. Here is a piece of toast, water, and your meds. I know you aren't supposed to take it on an empty stomach" I grab the water and meds out of his hands and throw them in my mouth. "Eat" he demands. "Do you feel ok? You don't look well".

I can't help but laugh, "The worst thing that could happen from me not eating, is being sick to my stomach. It's not like that doesn't happen anyway. Also, you aren't my dad, no need to act like my home nurse. If I'm hungry I'll eat" I ignore his last question, I don't want him to worry. 

With my head pounding, it makes me feel like whatever I eat will just come back up. But with the way he's acting now, he doesn't need to know. He'll go all mom on me again and try to take me to the doctor.

"Fine but hurry up and get dressed. We need to leave" I nod as he walks outside.

I try to stand up but I quickly fall to the floor. My bones are numb and weak. What the hell happened. Panic starts to override me and my breathing quickens. I don't know what to do, I can't get up. I felt fine just a couple of minutes ago.

I quickly reach for my phone and think of a plan of how to get out of going to school. If he walks in and sees me like this he'll call an ambulance right away and never leave my side. But at the same time, I don't want him to see me like this, weak.

I hear the doorknob turn and quickly put my phone up to my ear as he walks back in.

"Hey you almost-" he pauses and rushes over, "What the fuck happened? Are you alright?" he says concerned.

"Sh! I'm talking to my mom" The look on his face changes in a split second. I can tell he's getting annoyed. "Yea, yea. I'll be there. Bye, Love you too" I act like I'm on the phone.

"Jeez, I just sat down on the floor. No need to get your panties in a twist" I can't help but laugh. "No but seriously, I'm fine. I totally forgot I have a doctors appointment today so I have to miss school"

he scoffs, "How do you just forget something like that and ever say something like my panties in a twist, I'll cut your fucking tongue out". I lift my eyebrows at him. "You said you didn't want to be treated differently, so now you're one of the boys" he laughs

"Yeah, whatever. You better get going or you'll miss the first period." he walks over and plops himself down on the chair. "what are you doing?" I wish he would just leave. My head hurts so and talking isn't making it any better.

"I'm coming with you, what do you think I'm doing?" he laughs.

"No the fuck you're not. You're acting like a boyfriend, which you aren't. Get out of my house and go to school".

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