Chapter 27

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I open my eyes to find a stumbling Hawk walking through the door. He just stands there, his eyes on me. 

"Yes?" I ask him.

"Nothing," he says and walks over to the bed. He climbs in, lifts the blanket up, and cuddles next to me. "I don't apologize for what I said Lillian" He answers exactly what I'm thinking.

"I'm sure you don't. But you can't control who I talk to."

His lips go flat, "He's the enemy now. He used to be our friend but not since he joined Miyagi do. He made his decision." I know he isn't going to let this go anytime soon, we'll never be on the same page about this. 

"Ok. Can we please just not talk about this anymore, I don't want to fight." I give in.

"Yea." He looks at the tv "Who wants to be friends with a nerd anyway" he mumbles to himself.

"Enough! You can't bully him because he's a "nerd". After all, you were one not so long ago and he never bullied you for it! He was your best friend, ELI" I snap.

His face is full of surprise, "You know I only like it when you call me that, right? And besides no need to lash out because you said it perfectly, he was my best friend. Not anymore" he stops, "Now, can we finish this movie?" He says and laughs kissing my forehead.

"Yea the movie you didn't even start" I complain. I wish he would see that he can't live my life for me. I'll be friends with Demetri if I want to.

"Come on don't be like that princess. Oh, I forgot to tell you I saw your mom and Johnny talking in the hallway."

I sit up and face him, "What?" I ask.

"Yea. I don't know what they were saying but it just looked like a normal conversation based on their expressions," he says.

I can't help but wonder why Johnny didn't come in here to see me? Does he think I'm mad at him because of how I saw him the other day?

I lay my head back on his shoulder and we finish the movie. Every few minutes I catch him looking over at me. As much as I hate to admit how much I love this boy, I wish we didn't fight as much as we do. 

Hawk and I must have fallen asleep as it's dark outside and the movie is over. Both of his arms wrapped around me along with his legs around mine. I take the chance and just admire everything about him. How he asleep sort of brings Eli back to me. His lips soft, his eyes closed, and the mohawk sort of falling.

"Creepy much?" He jokes as his eyes flutter open.

"Sorry. Just admiring my boyfriend."

"Don't apologize. I'd do the same thing if I was you" He kisses me and jumps out of the bed. I shake my head and laugh, "Not to ruin the moment or anything but I have to go to karate" We haven't really talked about karate so I kind of forgot about it.

"Yea, yea. Um, when will I see you again?" I ask while he's putting his shoes on.

"Tomorrow?" he asks uncertainly.

"Actually, tomorrow I get my chemo and everything so I'll see you Monday maybe?"

"What? No why can't I be here with you?"

"It's going to be boring. I'm just going to be tired and everything."

"That's fine. As long as you're ok and I'm with you, it won't be boring," he says.

"No really, Hawk. It's ok, you don't need-" I start.

"I'll see you tomorrow princess" He demands. He kisses me and walks out of the room.


Tomorrow's the first day back to school since the fight and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't dreading it. Especially since I'm not really a part of Cobra Kai anymore, where the hell am I going to? I'm definitely not sitting with Yasmine and I desperately don't want to sit with the Cobras or Miyagi do.

"Lillian? Are you listening to me?" I look up to see my mom standing at the doorway.

"Oh sorry, I didn't even see you. What's up?" I ask.

"Your father- I mean Johnny wants to see you." She says. I look over at the clock trying to figure out what time I get my chemo. Hawk said he'd be here but he can wait in my room. I'm sure Johnny wouldn't want to watch that so I'll just talk to him after.

"I have my chemo soon. Can he come to see me after?" I ask mom.

"He's already here. I'm sure he wouldn't mind coming with you. He's in talking to Miguel right now" I raise my eyebrows, surprised. The way Miguel spoke last time made it seem he never wanted to speak to Johnny again, that this whole thing was his fault. I wonder what made him change his mind.

The doctor comes in and takes me to the room I get my treatments in. My mom sends Johnny in.

"Hey kid, How are you feeling?" He says. Holy shit. He has bruises all over his face and a black eye but looks clean.

"Better than I look. How are you?"

"Don't worry about me. Uh, I just talked to Miguel. It actually went really well, well maybe for me not as much him" he laughs "he fell".

"He fell!" I yell

"Calm down. He's fine."

"Well uh, that's great, Johnny!" I say.

"Yeah well now it's your turn to get my talk," he says. I look at him confused.

"What talk-"

"QUIET!" He yells. I jump in my chair. I HATE when he does that. "You're letting this" he points to all the wires and machines connected to me, "Decide your life. You're basing your life on That!" He finishes.

"I don't think you understand what happened. I was not basing my life on that, actually, it was the complete opposite of that. I wanted to live my life not worrying about it so I did. That's literally why I'm in here." What I say leaves him speechless. "It's a real-life sickness. It's not like what Miguel's going through."

"You're right. It's not like what Miguel's going through. But you're being a pussy about this"

"Excuse me?" I say

"You heard me. You're backing down from the fight. You're letting cancer beat you. You have so many options to fight back and you chose one that makes you lose."

I scoff, "But that's the thing! I'm going to lose either way. I don't want to live my life hidden because of this. I'm supposed to be out there having fun, not laying in a hospital bed."

"Do you want to be known as a pussy? You never back down from a fight, that's not what" He sways his finger between me and him, "We do". Did he just admit that I'm his daughter? I don't say anything and continues going on his rampage.

"Good. Glad we're on the same page. Now I'm gonna get out of here, I'm going to go see Robby"

"Really? That's great! I'd ask to come with but you know" I say to him.

"Yea. I was supposed to see him earlier but I had to go see Miguel" He looks down.

"Johnny" I shake my head, "You blew off your son for Miguel? He's never going to forgive you for that"

He turns the doorknob but stops before walking out, "Yes he will. He will hear me out" He says, walking out the door.

I'm left in the room by myself as my favorite nurse enters.

"Hey, Lill. Someone's here to see you, says his name is Cameron. Want me to send him in?"

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