Chapter 29

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T.W. Sexual assault.

A/N- Hey guys, so when you reach the flashback that's when it starts. If you want to skip it, feel free to and end the read there and start back at the end of the flashback.

It's the next day and still nothing from Hawk. I can't believe he just blew me off like that. I know I told him I didn't really want him there but he said he wanted to be so. I don't know maybe this is all just in my head.

I get ready for school throwing on a sweatshirt and leggings. I walk into Johnny's room and wake him, giving him water.

"What's this" he groans grabbing the water.

"Water. Drink it and get up. We need to leave" I say and walk out of the room.

I hear him throw the water and grab a banquet. This man doesn't know how to drink anything other than that. I take my meds and grab my bag heading for the door.

Finally, Johnny walks out.

"Where's the car?" I ask looking around.

"Right there," he says and points to a ... minivan.

"What the hell is that. That's not your car."

"Damn right it is. Get in" He demands.

"What happened to the other car,"I ask

"Long story," he says and climbs into the driver's side.

"What are you, a mom with eight kids now? Preparing to take the family to their kid's soccer game?" I say and laugh.

"Watch it, kid. I'll leave you on the curb" He says.

The rest of the ride to school was silent.

When we arrive, I say bye and get out of the car. My plan is to head to my first class without being seen or noticed by anyone.

As I'm walking, a hand touches my shoulder from behind. I turn my head to see who it is.

"Lillian, hey," they say.

"Kyler" his touch sends chills down my spine.

"Did you get the basket? I was hoping we could talk" he says.

"I have to get to class" I turn around as fast as I can but his hand shoved me back to him.

"I asked if we could talk!" He snaps, having me pinned against the locker. "God, why are you being so difficult?"

"Hey!" A voice yells from the side. "Get your hands off of her!" I turn to see Hawk running towards Kyler, his fist connecting to his jaw.

"Hawk!" I yell. Rickenberg and runs over pulling Hawk off of Kyler as counselor Black walks around the corner.

"Get the fuck off me, Rickenberg!" Hawk yells pushing his arms off of him. I glance over at Kyler and he has blood all over his face, his jaw is defiantly going to hurt for the next couple of weeks.

"You want to get expelled?!" Rickenberg yells at him.

I grab Hawk's hands pulling him to the janitor's closet behind me.

He cups my face into his hands, "are you ok? Did he touch you?" He asks concerned.

"No, nothing happened that you didn't see. Ar- are you ok?" I ask.

"Yea, I'm fine. He didn't lay a hand on me". he laughs.

"You really didn't have to do that, you know," I say while looking down at my feet.

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