CHAPTER 30: What Have I Gotten Us Into?

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Throughout the next couple of days, my Uncle has been surprising me more and more with telling me some ideas he has that he believes could work out to take down Marlon.

"Uncle Rainey, how is it that you know so much about Marlon? Did my father tell you?" I finally asked him while we were sitting at the dining table playing poker with me, a couple of my guys, Brett, Marlie and Leona.

"Marlon and I go way back. I was seventeen when I first met him. Your father surprisingly wasn't always who he became. Despite what he told you. Marlon and I became friends in high school and despite the rumors that I am sure he himself created to better his reputation, he wasn't always the way he is." He begins.

We all stop and listen intently as we are more curious than ever before to hear what he is about to tell us.

"After high school, Marlon and I wanted to go into business together and own a club. However, we didn't have the money and his Uncle made him work for it and offered me a job. His Uncle had raised him after his parents were murdered when he was four years old. His Uncle is who helped him crossover to what he does now. Marlon was a smart guy and still is, in a way. After finding out on our first job and not being able to convince him to leave, I stopped contact." He stops and lights a cigarette before continuing.

"Right when I thought it was all over with, I found out your father took a job with him. I didn't find out until it was too late and your father was too hooked on the money and the reputation he was given." He pauses for a moment and looks to be fighting back tears.

"That was my best friend-your father. My blood." He continues while choking up. "Even though I didn't approve of his lifestyle, after hearing he was going to have a son, I tried all I could to help protect you from becoming like him, but he reminded me that he was the parent and not me." He now looks at me with watery eyes.

"I tried and failed again. So your father thought it was best that I stay out of your life and that's why I....." He paused. "That's why I was forced to do something I never wanted which was stay out of your life. Because after you were too far gone and caught up in this lifestyle, I knew I was too late. You've always been like a son to me." He finishes and then sniffles before drinking the rest of his whiskey before taking one final drag from his cigarette then puts it out.

We all sat there in surprise, shock, disbelief, confusion, and that was just me.

"I'm sorry Uncle Rainey. I wish I would have listened." I tell him.

He smiles at me.

"We all make mistakes kid. The important thing is to remember, that they are only mistakes if we never learn from them." He winks at me.

He was always great at giving inspiration quotes to people, ever since I was little.

"And I have." I tell him. Then I look over at Leona as I noticed out the corner of my eye, she was looking at me. I smile at her and she smiles back at me knowing that she is the reason.

I lift her hand up to my lips to place a kiss on top of it.

"Good. However, you know the worst is yet to come. Now I don't care if he ever finds me, but, in order for you to get out of this alive....." Suddenly he is interrupted and stopped as soon as we begin hearing gunfire out of nowhere.

Bullets were coming from outside through the walls. One of my guys was hit in the head immediately while we all began ducking down and protecting ourselves with whatever was nearby.

My Uncle began to have us follow him towards his office and once inside and as fast as he had one of my guys lock the door, he next opened a door from the floor underneath a rug and had us follow him down the stairs and close the door behind us.

It was very well thought up of because he had a rug permanently attached to the door so that if somebody came in, they would have a hard time in finding it.

We all quickly go down and follow him through some type of concrete tunnel he seemed to have had made and we all ran for what felt like a long time but really only took us close to twenty minutes to reach the end where We followed him up a ladder and he opened up another door.

We all began climbing out of the hole and right in front of us was a big RV that looked decent.

"It isn't much but, at least we won't stand out. Many people around here drive these kinds of RV's. Not to mention there are several additions and modifications I have made to it." Uncle Rainey explains.

Right now at this point, we have no other choice but also, he does have a point. So we next hurry inside of it and although there is somewhat enough room for us all, it still is a bit of a small area for us, but of course will do.

My Uncle hurries into the driver seat and begins to step on the gas and peels out from this place until we get onto the freeway.

I have no idea in where the hell we are going but I hope he has a plan. We can't run forever, but at the same time, we had all of our weapons at his place and all of our belongings there as well.

Now, I have cash on me but it will only take us so far. My god, what have I gotten us all into?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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