CHAPTER 25: Where To Go From Here

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Things changed drastically for me in the next couple of weeks that followed.

Nolton warned me that it would change a lot but not by how fast and or drastic, at least to this extent and in such a short amount of time.

I didn't mind it much really and still was getting used to everything rather quicker than I expected myself to adapt but, it wasn't bad.

The only thing I knew might take a little bit longer to get used to was the fact that I would have his guys or and him to be wherever I was. Of course, that didn't mean they would go into the ladies restrooms with me or anything like that but, it was a little weird to me and not to mention it brought attention to me in public.

I have tried to take one of Marlie's suggestions in pretending I was famous and that they were my bodyguards which, in a way, really wasn't entirely far from the truth.

Marlie and I have been getting busier and busier it seemed with her company because it seemed to be kicking off and her and I have been working so much that I barely find myself being able to stay up as late as before to watch a late night movie with Nolton even.

Soon we both realized that as we tallied up orders for products people were wanting to buy and have be shipped to them, that we needed more space than the small storage place she has with all the stuff we had already made up and were already running out of room.

I felt bad because nobody has sponsored her yet and the one person that was wanting to a couple of weeks ago, the deal somehow went through and she lost that opportunity.

Brett had suggested to getting a warehouse. So her and I went online and started looking for one at a good price and good location.

We found a couple of them and of course, our few bodyguards, drove us to look at them each time. 

There were only three empty warehouses that looked promising, but the first two were a bust and this last one was literally the ONLY one left with the perfect location and even price on it.

Now, I was always raised that if it seems too good to be true, most of the time, it is. However, we wanted to still go ahead and take a look at it with an open mind.

After pulling up, the guys that we were with had gotten out and even their reactions were priceless.

We could hear some of them trying to hold in some laughter while another one asked if it was haunted.

"Oh shut up, it's not that bad." I told them.

We looked for the seller to show up but we hadn't seen a car. Not until almost twenty minutes after the time they said we should meet up.

They pulled up in a nice new black escalade with tinted windows (almost like the same ones that Nolton's men drove most of the time). Although today it was a nice new dark blue Cadillac.

The moment the man who was selling it had stepped out of the car with a slicked back hair look and also seemed to be dressed just like how Nolton and them do.

My gut began acting funny immediately and the next thing I heard were the few guys with us, snicker with each other and then one of them grabbed my arm in a subtle way.

"Get in the car." He told Marlie and I.

"What? Why?" I asked him.

"Just get in the car, both of you. I'll explain later." He tells us.

Marlie and I have learned that if they say we need to do things like get in the car like they told us, then we get into the car and don't ask questions (at least not until later).

Since my gut wasn't feeling too good anyways, Marlie and I briefly looked at one another and then got inside the car.

We thought that was going to be the end of everything, but right as the couple of guys tried getting into the car with us, we began to hear arguing and then a couple of gunshots go off.

Mine and Marlie's immediate reaction was to try and cover ourselves and sink lower into the seats and quickly lock the doors.

While both her and I were on our knees on the floor of the car, I looked up real fast and saw one of the guys that was trying to protect us suddenly grabbed his stomach and fell down onto his knees, dead.

In the back of my head, I knew that her and I could die right now in this moment. So I quickly took action on the first thought that came to my mind at the time.

"Marlie, call Brett and tell him what is happening right now. I'm going to try and fit up into the driver seat and get us the hell out of here." I tell her.

She shakes a little scared while nodding her head.

"Okay." She says.

She begins calling and I look around real fast and notice there is only the guy that drove us here still on his feet, hiding in front of the car while shooting also at the guys.

When I take a quick look behind me, I can see the man and the guys he brought as well and knew we were out numbered and fucked.

I tried motioning for him to get in and he nodded then fired again at them while opening up the passenger side door then right before he got fully in, I heard one last gunshot and noticed he was hit in his lower arm while trying to close the door.

Without hesitation, the next thing I did was just step in the gas, look behind me and tried speeding out, making all the guys shooting move out the way, except right as I had no more space to drive backwards, I quickly shifted into gear and turned the wheel before taking off fast out from the parking lot.

I couldn't stop looking out in the rearview mirror to make sure we weren't being followed.

I tried going down many roads randomly and ended up getting myself lost a little bit. That was until Marlie looked down at her phone and I guess put the house address into it and it gave us directions.

"You okay?" I asked the guy.

"I'll be fine. Hurts like a MOTHERFUCKER, but I've been shot in worse places. Just hurry and get to the house." He tells us.

"First you need to get to a...." I stopped myself when I remembered I wasn't allowed to go to the hospital and that they have their own doctor's.

Thankfully, we weren't too far away from the house.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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