CHAPTER 19: In This Moment

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Last night was great! Everything seemed to happen so quickly in fact, that I don't remember every single detail of what all had occurred, but I remembered enough.

When I woke up this morning and opened my eyes, it was there in that moment I had noticed the side of my face and one of my hands were on somebody's chest.

Then as I looked up at Nolton's face, I couldn't stop myself from smiling. It almost felt like confirmation that last night really did happen.

I tried to slowly get out from under his arm that was over my shoulders and when I managed to do it without him waking up or even stirring, I wrapped a robe on over my body and began to walk out quietly, closing the door behind me. 

While heading towards the kitchen, I right away began looking around the living room, expecting to see Marlie and Brett but it looked like they went back to his place last night. So I continued making my way towards the kitchen and right away made some coffee before starting to cook some breakfast.

It was perfect timing as I just finished plating his and my food and was setting it down onto the table for us, when I heard him greet me with a 'good morning' as he rubbed his eyes and had his hair disheveled while wearing no shirt and boxers only.

"Good morning." I replied.

"Did you make breakfast?" He asks sounding impressed.

"Yeah. I wasn't sure what you would like and haven't been grocery shopping yet, so, this was all I had." I explained.

"It smells and looks really good. Thank you." He smiles at me and walks closer to place a good morning kiss onto my lips before we took a seat across from each other and started eating.

Throughout breakfast, we didn't do much talking and we both could feel a little bit of some awkwardness begin to creep up.

"That was really good. In fact, the best breakfast I've had in a very long time." He smiles and sits back in his chair while taking drinks from his coffee.

"Thanks." I replied. "So, are you working today?" I asked him.

He looked up from his mug at me with a cocked eyebrow then it quickly becomes a scowled look.

"I have a meeting actually. It's this afternoon." He says as he looks up at the clock on the kitchen wall.

"It's actually in a few hours. So I'm gonna have to get going but, maybe tonight we can go out to a nice dinner." He mentions.

"Okay, I'd like that." I smiled.

He then stood up and grabbed my plate and the rest of the dishes, rinsed them off at the sink before placing them into the dishwasher.

We kiss each other goodbye as he leaves and  I honestly was glad that he mentioned going out tonight and not today because honestly, I felt I hadn't gotten much sleep last night and wanted to take a nap before getting dressed so I would both feel and look better.

After a few hours passed by and I took a good cat nap, I then got dressed and all ready for our date tonight.

Marlie had stopped by earlier and we got to hang out for a little while before she went to some meeting with the guy who approved of her loan to help kickstart her career, so she could sign the last few papers to seal the deal, she told me.

Meanwhile, waiting for him, I noticed that so far Nolton seemed to be running fifteen minutes late. I didn't want to sound needy but, fifteen minutes and no text or call to let me know if he was okay or not? It got me worried.  Then a scary thought hit me......Oh god, was he going to stand me up?

Suddenly, I next heard a knock at my door and sure enough, standing there looking calm and content with himself, was the sexy Mr. Nolton.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late." He smirks while handing me a bouquet of flowers.

"It's okay." I replied.

I first placed the bouquet of flowers into a vase and replaced the ones that had already withered a lot before we left.

He was wearing a real nice suit and I felt alright because my cocktail dress was good to wear on either a casual or fancy type of dinner.

He ended up taking me to a very nice restaurant that had a variety of different kinds of foods to choose from and yet was also real pricey.

We ended up getting to know even more about one another while continuing to enjoy each other's company.  I have to say that I like what I'm hearing. Although he seems to try real hard to change the subject whenever I brought up his family or childhood or even a little more information about what he does, like the name of his company and such.

Now, because of all that dodging he had done with those certain topics, I had decided that I needed to start thinking before I speak and to realize that he will tell me things whenever he is ready to tell me.

Things were okay though and there was no awkward moments. So after dessert, he had told me that he had wanted to take me to a park that was not too far away, yet was a little bit of a drive. In which to me that hadn't made sense, yet I trusted him.

The first thing that came to my mind was that there was no way I was going to allow him to take me to a park at night. Not that I didn't trust him or that I didn't feel safe but in the back of my head, I started thinking about a park that has playgrounds and that have closed by now.

However, after leaving the restaurant and him driving us to the place, he reassures me along the way that it was a nice park that had beautiful lights at nighttime and was so sure I would love it. So I trusted him. And man, am I glad I did.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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