CHAPTER 15: What's His Angle?

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One week has passed by since I had that awkward night where both Nolton and I almost kissed and honestly, it doesn't bother me so much as it did for a couple of days after that.

Then to make matters worse, I ended up getting sick a few days after that happened and have not been able to be at work for nearly a week now.

Jackie has been so sweet but a couple of days ago, she fired one of the girls that was the Assistant Shifts Manager and gave me the job, however, I hadn't been the Assistant Manager for more than a day before I got a cold.

Luckily, I am starting to feel a little bit better and just have my throat and a little runny nose and slight cough left. The fevers have stopped already and the aches in my body have disappeared for the most part. So hopefully I will be able to go back to work next week.

Marlie has been helping take care of me although I keep telling her as much as I appreciate it, since I am feeling better and have most of my strength back, I can take it from here on out and she can start spending more time with Brett.

Which Brett also has been so sweet in helping her help her take care of me.

Today while Marlie was out with Brett, I was sitting on the couch, drinking some hot tea in a mug and watching some TV when I hear a knock at the door.

Thinking it was the delivery guy bringing me some egg drop soup and crispy noodles, I grabbed my purse and the cash but was immediately startled as I saw it was Nolton?!

"What are you doing here?" I asked sounding stuff, with my hair in a messy bun as I also quickly cover myself with my robe and tie it closed. I look like shit and have also a red nose.

"I just came from the shop and Jackie wanted me to make sure you were okay. She said you were sick and wanted me to also give you this soup she made and these." He says as he hands me a bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you." I tell him still unsure as to why she sent him to bring me these.

When I reached for them he took them back to him.

"Why don't I put these in some water." He offers and then walks past me.

"Uhm, come on in, I guess." I say then close the door.

He looks for a vase and I quickly tell him it's underneath the sink. So he fills it up and puts the bouquet in it then sets it down in front of me on the coffee table by the couch.

"Thanks." I tell him as I place a blanket over my lap and try to hide the Kleenex box.

"Sure." He says.

He stands there for another moment and then sits down on the other end of the couch.

"What...." I started to ask and he interrupts me.

"So what are you watching?" He asks me.

"Just some I Love Lucy on Hulu." I tell him.

"Isn't that an old show?" He chuckles.

"You mean classic? Yes. But it's still to this day one of my favorite shows of all time." I tell him.

"Alright." Chuckles.

There's another knock at the door and I know for sure it has to be the delivery guy. So I start to try and get up but he tells me to stay seated.

"It's the delivery guy with my soup and noodles I ordered." I tell him.

"Alright, but I'll get it." He tells me.

"Well here's the money." I try and hand it to him but he shakes his head no and walks over towards the door to answer it, gives the guy the money while grabbing the food, thanking the guy then less the door and walks into the kitchen.

"You know I can get things myself." I try and tell him in a non-rude way so that he doesn't feel obligated to stay here to help.

"I know Miss Independent. But since I am here and you should be resting, just accept someone doing something to help you for a change." He tells me right as soon as he finds a bowl to pour it in then grabs a spoon from the dishwasher and walks over with one of the bags of crispy noodles and hands it to me with a pot holder and paper towel.

Why is he helping me? Why is he still here? Did Marlie and or Brett put him up to this? Or Jackie? Is he doing this out of guilt from that one night?

Eh, who cares. It is kind of nice being taken care of though.

We both ended up sitting there finishing watching some episodes that I had even heard him laughing to.

Next thing we knew, a few hours had gone by and I realized that it was a little past lunchtime.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him.

"A little bit I can eat later." He shrugged.

"Don't be stupid. If you're going to be here this long, the least I can do is feed you. I can order us some food to be delivered if you want." I offered.

"Okay." He smiles at me.

"Good. How about you pick whatever sounds good and I will buy it this time." I insisted.

"But...." He started to protest but then looked at me from out the corner of his eye before finally giving in.

Maybe I should be questioning his motives here. Then again on the other hand, I am gonna continue to enjoy this time. It's a nice gesture from him that I do appreciate, don't get me wrong and am gonna stop questioning it anymore.

This is what I wish it could be like every time I am around him. There is no awkwardness and nothing being said to make things uncomfortable.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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