CHAPTER 28: My Last Shot

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I couldn't help but feel horrible after hearing her tell me about the nightmare she had. Not to mention the fact that she is right in that I can't necessarily promise that it will never happen.

There is another part of me (such as in the back of my head) that reminds me she has agreed to this lifestyle. However, I think that from another point of view, all these things are happening so quickly lately that she hasn't had time to wrap her head around all of this or pick apart anything piece by piece.

I made sure to contact Jackie and explain to her what was going on since she knows all about what it is I do already for a living. Leona may not realize that she already knows, but I'll tell her later.

It took all of the night and most of the morning to land in the town not too far from where my Uncle lived in the mountains.

I never understood how people could seriously live so secluded from civilization and not go crazy. I mean, don't get me wrong, it would be nice to get away from all the chaos and bullshit that goes on in life but at the same time, I'm not sure I could live the rest of my life alone and not near stores or anything or anyone for that matter. 

I commend my uncle and all for his lifestyle but my nerves are quickly taking over my way of thinking at the moment as we all had rented a couple of cars after I looked at the address that I have kept on a piece of now worn out paper, of his location he gave to me a long time ago.

The more we drove, the more I started becoming nervous as now, at any moment, I was going to see my Uncle who I haven't seen in a very long time.

"Don't be nervous. I'm sure he's going to be happy to see you." I heard Leona say to try and comfort me.

"I appreciate the enthusiasm and positivity but, I'm not too sure that is what will happen. I haven't seen him in a long time and he never approved of this lifestyle. I wouldn't be surprised if he had decided to greet us with several bullets." I tried to joke towards the end but truthfully, nothing about this was funny.

Eventually, we all had pulled up the long dirt pathway towards the front of this somewhat okay type of sized cabin.

This was it. I was finally here and was about to see my Uncle.

We all sat there in our cars and I took in a few deep breaths and had let them out before coming up with what I felt was a good idea. I was going to approach the front door by myself first, just in case he decided to shoot without hesitation or and even before he realized who it was.

I gotten out and began cautiously walking several feet towards his porch that was made out of aged wood but was nicely cut and overall was a decent looking two story cabin that wasn't a mansion but seemed inviting.

The moment you stepped onto thesteps however, there was a loud creaking noise that followed, giving away the fact that somebody was here.

I had waited and waited during each step, for the door to swing open and there he would stand with a gun pointed at my head and started to shoot, but so far, no.

Not until I reached the door finally did my nerves take a turn for the worse and made me want to throw up. But no matter what I knew I had to remain standing there.

I began to knock and had waited a minute or maybe a little longer before the door started to open a little bit and that was when I saw him.

Despite the grey scattered all around his short trimmed beard and the salt and pepper look that was spread all over his head, along with of course, some wrinkles to show off his age, he still looked the same for the most part.

"H-hello Sir." I greeted him hesitantly.

"What are you doing here?" He asks firmly.

"I'm in trouble." I come right out and tell him.

"No shit. I know this isn't some family-oriented type of a visit. But why the hell have you come here?" He asks.

"I need your help." I admit.

There was silence between the both of us and then I noticed him look past over my shoulder and saw Leona and Brett and the rest.

He then looks at me with a look of disappointment.

"You all can come in. But you and I will have a talk." He says.

He opens the door more and I next go back towards the car and tell the guys and Leona and them to follow me inside and that he was going to allow us to stay for a while.

After we all grabbed our bags and I took hold of Leona's hand, we started walking towards the cabin.

Once inside, he tells us where we can all stay at and where the bathrooms and other things were at before I introduced him to Leona and Marlie.

We all ended up sitting around and talking, having a good time over some barbecue he grilled up for us real fast and then it came time for him and I to talk.

I wasn't sure in exactly what it was I was about to walk into and was honestly starting to feel a bit scared.

The moment we walked into his small office and closed the door, he sat down in his chair behind a wooden carved desk and lit a cigarette.

"Sit." He tells me.

The moment I sit down I try hard to thank him and apologize for coming unannounced.

"I know I should have called...." I started to say but then was instantly stopped.

"I don't care about that." He says before taking another puff from his cigarette.

I was taken back because I couldn't help but wait for the lecture that I was just sure he was going to give me, however, it never came.

"Are you feeling alright?" I asked.

"Yeah." He says.

"Aren't you going to lecture me like you normally do?" I hesitate to ask as I don't want to push my luck.

"Pff." He scoffs. "You're an adult. I already tried warning you before, so there really would be no point. Not to mention the fact you showed up here, obviously you are need of help."

He was right. I haven't seen or talked to him in a very long time. I do need his help but am not sure in how he could do that. He doesn't approve of this lifestyle and knows so little about it. But again, he is my last resort.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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