CHAPTER 27: Safe In His Arms Again

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None of this could possibly be happening right now. We have to seriously up and leave? Marlie and I at least can't just do that. Besides, I need to talk to Jackie.

While upstairs packing, he wasn't saying much and then I stopped for a moment to try and speak with Jackie on my phone, but I saw Nolton freak out and grab the phone from my hand before stomping on it.

"What the hell did you do that for?!" I snapped at him.

"Baby, I promise I will explain everything to you on the plane is but right now we need to finish packing." He says in a hurry.

I just roll my eyes in annoyance at him before finishing up as does he and grabs both of our bags as I grab my purse and we begin to hurry down the stairs with him right behind me.

Once we got into the cars, we began speeding off towards the airport.

Throughout the entire car ride, there was nothing but silence until I noticed out the corner of my eye him scrolling on his phone.

"What the hell?! You can still use your phone but I can't use mine?!" I snapped at him before looking out the window with a scowl and my arms folded across my chest.

"First of all, this isn't the same phone that I had. I had to get rid of my other one and switch to this new one. And second, here, I finished programming your new phone." He tells me before gently tossing a cell phone onto my lap.

When I look down at it, I begin to realize just how REAL this all was. I'm sure I'll get used to it and all eventually but for right now, I can't handle this. Maybe I'm not cut out for this lifestyle and possibly could never get used to it. Who really and truly lives like this?!

Emotionally I was drained and all my energy seemed to be taken with it, so I have to just not think anymore about it right now and come back to it tomorrow or something.

It didn't take us too long to get to the airport since it wasn't too far away in the first place. Once we got out, I continued to ignore him and then took a seat in the very back near the window and looked out it.

I didn't want to speak to him right now. More than anything I wanted to cry. However, I didn't even have enough energy for that. So I just closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I had the strangest and yet most horrifying nightmare. I dreamt I was waiting on the corner of some place for Nolton to pick me up but he doesn't show for a while.

Then suddenly the clouds in the sky grow dark and it begins to rain. Next comes deep and loud thunder in the clouds and then finally I see his car turning the corner and right as I try to reach for the handle to get inside, I heard a loud gunshot that I had right away thought was just thunder.

Immediately I was proven wrong though and it really was a gunshot. Somebody shot a bullet right through the side of his head and I saw blood everywhere in the front seat along with some splatters in the backseat window on the passenger side.

He had just been murdered in cold blood right in front of me by someone.

He was gone. Forever. I tried a screaming while getting in and right away, held his head in my lap as I wept silently. Everything suddenly became darker and just as silent as I seemed to have become and nobody was coming. I was alone with his dead body in my arms.

That's when I woke up in cold sweat apparently screaming and gasping, while crying. Oh my god, I have never had a nightmare like that before.

Just a few seconds after I sat up abruptly from the nightmare, I saw a door open up right in front of me then took a look around and realized I was in a room of some kind?

When seeing who was right there in the doorway, it was Brett, Marlie and Nolton.

Nolton immediately ran to my side onto the bed.

"Are you okay?" He asks worried.

All I wanted to do was hold him and feel safe again. Hopefully I never have another dream like that one from here on out.

I right away threw both my arms around him as he held me around my waist and I started to cry while feeling relieved at the same time.

Marlie and Brett had left us alone.

"I had a terrible nightmare." I tell him through sniffles.

"It's okay baby. I'm here now. It's just a nightmare." He tries to comfort me.

I pull away a little to look at him and make sure I wasn't dreaming and that his head was okay.

"But it felt so real. You were late picking me up somewhere and the sky grew very dark and filled with thunder and it started to rain. Then just as you pulled up in front of me, I tried reaching for the door handle, but then you were....." I couldn't say it.

"I was what Leona?" He asks as he brushes a few strands of hair from my face and behind my ears.

"You were murdered. Right in front of me and I held your lifeless body while trying to cry and scream for help. But nobody could hear me. Nobody was around." I finished as I started to break down and cry some more, while no longer being able to hold any of it inside anymore.

"I'm so sorry that you had that dream. I'm so sorry I ever got you involved in this lifestyle. But Leona, that will never happen." He tried to reassure me while holding my face so I can look into his eyes.

"You can't promise me something like that.  The only thing you could do is just try to prevent that from ever happening." I tell him.

"I promise." He tells me reassuringly.

It brought so much comfort as we touched foreheads.

After moments of taking some time to calm down a little more and we laid there in each other's arms with my head on his chest, I asked him where in the hell we were at because this room doesn't look familiar and I didn't see any bedrooms when I got on the plane.

The last thing I remembered was that I was sitting in the very back and looking out the window.

He then proceeds to explain that the door that was closed in the back a few inches from where I sat, where of course was where this bedroom was at.

Then he told me that the restroom is right outside here and that there's the rest of the plane where everyone is sitting at as well as a kitchenette that was located towards the front.

Although I heard every word, I didn't care so much about whatever happened before this moment. All I knew right now was that I was safe in his arms.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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