CHAPTER 4: Getting Shit Done

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I couldn't believe the amount of bravery that girl had. The audacity as well for when she slapped me across the face and continued talking back to me before next throwing that money at Brett and I.

Normally, I would never let anyone get away with disrespecting me that way or my guys, even a woman, but I guess that I was just in utter shock and surprised that I didn't have time to do or say anything before she had left.

In all honesty, I don't have time for any of this bullshit anyways. Besides, there is something that tells me maybe she really won't go to the authorities about any of this and in the end, that's all that matters.

A few days had passed since that whole drama happened and like always, Brett pulled through with the guy he had told me about in how he could fix my car within a couple of days and he did. The guy did a great job too.

Already today had been the longest damn day I have ever had and exhausting as all hell too. My meeting earlier was real bad and right now, I am on my way towards this guy's joint whom I have bailed out financially numerous times and have done everything I can to offer him protection from others out there taking advantage of him and also, killing him.

However, something I don't take too kindly is when I offer my protection and the asswipe fucking talks shit behind my back and starts betraying my trust. That is a HUUUUGE mistake to make with me. Therefore, he needs to be taught a lesson and since I have been having a bad few days, I have some frustration I need to let out.

After Brett, a few of my men and I got out of the car and headed into the asshole's place of business, we immediately walked in passed the bouncer guy and straight back towards the guys office where he was snorting some cocaine and having some stripper give him head.

I swear this fucker is disgusting as hell and makes me sick.

"You! Out?" I tell the girl after busting open the door.

"What the fuck man?!" The guys freaks out and wipes his nose while the girl wipes the corners of her mouth and looks all high as shit right now and stumbles out the door.

After she leaves, I slam the door shut and immediately begin throwing punches at the guy and grabbing him by the collar to have him look at me.

"You think you can try and fuck me over like that, huh?!" I asked him.

"What are you talking about?" He asks looking high as hell with his pupils dilated and looks more freaked out then ever.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about!" I tell him while dragging him up and throwing him onto his desk, still gripping the collar of his shirt.

"Alright! I don't have the money for you yet, but I swear, it's only because business hasn't been going too well." He starts giving me some lame and bullshit excuse. 

"I ain't buying it. Because I know you have these dancers of your s here all getting paid a lot of money, on top of the money you have to spend on the drugs. Not to mention the fact that you have been going around and acting all tough and how you aren't afraid of me and telling people I have gone 'soft', I think it's time I collect not only what you owe me, but now, there has been INTEREST charged as well." I tell him then make sure my guys guard the door and begin beating the shit out of him, leaving nothing left but blood splatters all over the walls, his desk and chairs, bruising him internally so that the hospital would be his home for the next several months while making him wish I killed him instead. 

Hopefully he'll be able to sober up after this. Then before I left, I made sure to look around and see if there was any amount of money around and sure enough, hidden behind his desk, there was a wall that had been cut out and as I pulled the desk out more from the wall, I reached in and pulled out a bag of cash. And wouldn't you know, it's the amount that he owes me. So I toss the bag to Brett then start to head out the back way so nobody see's us and then get in the car to head home. 

"Are we heading to the house boss?" Brett asks while looking at me through the rear view mirror as he drives.

"Yes. I need to get all cleaned up. Then tonight, we're going out." I tell him while looking down at my shirt that has the guys blood stains on it, along with my knuckles that are busted opened a little from the punches I threw at the guy. 

Sometimes, when I look at myself looking like this with someone else's blood on my hands I start to think about that saying but also, at least for the last several years, have started questioning about what I'm doing with my life. Never thought I would ever do that neither. I always believed this type of business was in my blood. 

I feel that throughout the last few years, my mind hasn't been thinking the way that it always has before in this line of work that I do. But yet, I can't just up and leave it (if that's even something I ever considered in doing). Nah, I don't need to think anymore right now about anything. Shit is too much at the moment, to be honest. I just need to have some fun tonight after getting cleaned up and drown out any doubts I have going through my head. It's dangerous to think that way, for sure. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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