1. The Library

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Felicity was sitting in a chair in the library, it was Tuesday and it was raining outside. She wasn't feeling good and the anxiety was consuming her mind so she decided to go to the only place where she felt involved in peace: the library. That place, filled with lots of shelves with books and students calmly reading and trapping in their books about the history of magic, muggles, magical creatures, and mystical plants, was having a different aura compared to the rest of the school.

She was flipping through the pages of Newt Scamander's 'Fantastic Beast and Where to find them' book because professor Grubbly-Plank asked the class to write a parchment about the unicorns and their features. Her class was just a little more interesting than Hagrid's, but she was still worried about the semi-giant professor who wasn't attending his own classes since the beginning of the year. At the opening feast, professor Dumbledor warned about his absence and his substitution, most of his students were happy about it but just Felicity and Harry, Ron, and, rarely, Hermione. 

And also she was disgusted about the new D.A.D.A professor, Dolores Umbridge, the worst ancient gargoyle the school could ever choose to be part of the teachers' council. Her classes were made for 6 years old children and hours of reading those interminable books about defense without wands, the danger of using them, and huge explanations about every single magical spell. Her classes were a nightmare for Felicity, and even worse was the part when Harry got detention and suspended from Quidditch after confronting her. Nothing else could be worse than that, but maybe the fact about Voldemort being reborn and constant fear of another wizarding war.

It's been hours since Felicity left the Great Hall and went to the library to distract her mind. It wasn't a very good idea to do her homework for relaxation but, in a different way, she was enjoying getting focused on another subject rather than Potions or the O.W.Ls exams, which she was forcing herself to study for if she wanted to be an Auror when she leaves Hogwarts. 

- Felicity -. A female voice said near her ear and made her jump from the fright.

It was Hermione, standing next to her and with an exhausted expression.

- Bloody hell Mione, you scared me -. She said with a hand on her chest, feeling her fast heartbeat.

- Sorry, but I tried to get your attention but you seemed too stuck in the empty parchment -. She said, sitting down and leaving a pile of books on the desk next to her.- You didn't write anything yet, as it seems -.

Felicity looked at her parchment and observed that she didn't even write a simple letter in it, and she realized that she was stuck reading the same sentence all over again from the past two hours. The fatigue was consuming her mind and felt worse than before, she had to spend even more time trying to finish the bloody homework. Luckily, Hermione was next to her, and she could help her a little with it. Or maybe finishing it like Ron's, but that was too much.

- I saw you leaving too soon the Great Hall, Fel. Are you feeling sick or something? You didn't look very good while you were eating. Is there something concerning you? -. Hermione asked, opening the 'History of Magic' book.

- Not so much, I was just getting anxious out of nowhere, like always. But I won't go to Madam Pomfrey this time, it's not as serious as the previous time -. Felicity responded, remembering last week when she went straight to the Hospital Wing after thinking she had some weird issue on her intestine and convincing herself she was dying. 

- You better be, but if you need something else or want me to leave so you can breathe, just ask for it -. Hermione said, quickly writing the second parchment of the History of Magic's homework. Her hands were writing so fast and Felicity couldn't figure out how the hell Hermione was so capable of that.

- It's okay, I wanted someone to make me company while I study -. 

And she was the one she wanted.


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