The Falcon & The Winter Soldier: Chapter 01

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A few weeks after everyone had returned from the snap, Vanessa had gone back to Roxxy's Bar to visit the older woman. In the process, she had gotten her old bartender job back, much to Emily's dismay, but things were very different than they were before. Roxxy was a lot harsher and meaner than before, making the job less enjoyable. Vanessa believed that she was just stressed because of how bad things were going for the bar.

These past few weeks that Wanda had been staying with Vanessa had been great for both of them. Wanda was still grieving the death of her lover and all the people that she'd lost in past few years. Vanessa still sometimes forgot that Jason was no longer with her. She would turn to show him something only to find an empty spot. In a way, each other's presence was helping each other grieve.

Vanessa was sitting on the kitchen counter eating a bowl of cereal and reading a book. "What are you doing?" Wanda asked. "Reading" answers Vanessa. "I can see that, but why are you on the counter?" "The table was too far away." Wanda only chuckled and made herself a bowl of cereal as well. They ate in silence, until Vanessa said, "Hey do you think I would be able to pull off short hair?" "How short?" Wanda asked. "Like just below my chin." 

"I'm sure you could probably go bald and still manage to look good. You want me to cut it for you?" "Yes please." And so Vanessa found herself sitting in a chair on the balcony. Wanda stood behind her with a pair of scissors, "Are you sure about this?" "It's just hair, Wanda, chop it off." Once she was finished, Vanessa looked at herself in a mirror, "I look good. Hey, what do you say if we go to the beach or we go watch a movie together?" "I've never been to the beach," Wanda says. "Great, let's go."

And so Wanda and Vanessa found themselves a few hours later sitting in the sand. They were watching the sunset, the waves hitting some of the rocks. "We need to talk" Wanda suddenly says. "Nothing good ever comes from that sentence," Vanessa says, she turns to look at Wanda, "What is it?" "I'm leaving Vanessa. I appreciate everything you've done for me these past few weeks, but I think that I won't be able to truly move on until I give Vision a proper burial. No matter how hard I try I just can't accept that he's gone. I came back after the snap and he was gone. His body was gone. I just need to see him one more time. Then I can move on" Wanda says, "I need to find him." 

"I can come with you" Vanessa suggests, "You shouldn't be alone for this." "Thank you, but you've done enough already. Besides this is something I need to do on my own" Wanda says. Wanda stands up and pulls Vanessa up with her. She gives her a hug, "Thank you for being there for me, these last few weeks." "Make sure to call me, to make sure you're okay," Vanessa says, "Do you want me to take you somewhere?" Wanda shakes her head, "No I already have a car ready to go. I'm going to miss you, Vanessa, take care of yourself" she says as she begins to walk away.

And once again Vanessa is left alone. Of course, she hasn't lost her friend, but after living with her for a couple of weeks she'd become so used to having someone with her at all times. Vanessa took one deep breath and turn to head to her car and drive home.


Vanessa was on her way out of her apartment to work. As she was making her way she grabbed the phone and dial Wanda's number. As always it sent her straight to voicemail. "Hey Wanda, it's me again. It's been almost six months since I last heard anything from you. I'm worried Wanda. I know that you can take care of yourself and that you don't need me to constantly be checking up on you. Just please call me back, you know for my sake and sanity. I hope you're okay. Call me." She hung up just as she arrived at Roxxy's Bar. "Hey Rox," Vanessa said. "Hey Vanessa, we got a new shipment of tequila in the back. If you can please fix it on the shelves" ordered the woman. "Yup." Vanessa nearly finished rearranging all the liquor on the shelves when somebody called her name.

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