- goodbye

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( - season six episode two )


The first thing most people tell you after someone you love dies, is that it'll get better. With time, you won't miss them as much. You'll heal quickly, and the memory of said person would forever live in your heart. Let me tell you one thing, they were lying.

Grief has no time span. One day you could wake up and decide it's a beautiful day, the birds are chirping the sun is shining. The next you could feel like utter shit, wishing the person who died was right next to you telling you unbelievable stories about the time they went camping, while listening to the rain crash against the window.

Not only did grief have no time span, it affected everyone differently. Some may not come back into work, and hide themselves away from the world. Distance themselves as they become overwhelmed with guilt and suffering. Eyeing up the vodka bottle, deciding on whether or not they should give into the temptations as their girlfriend wonders how they are, or if their even alive.

Some may stay silent, attend work and try to ignore the face their favourite intern is dead.

And one person, may have taken on the job of clearing out his apartment and having to look through all his boxes. Look through all of his memories and steal his hoodies.

That was the job Holly Webstone had.

So as she currently stood in the doorway of his bedroom, and thinking what a horrid smell his apartment smelt of. She couldn't help but smile at the memory of her bestfriend.

Moving further into the room, quietly chuckling at the fact he hadn't made his bed. So in a rush to inform his friends and colleagues on his new step in life. Unknowing that he would never come back to this warm safe haven of this bed.

Holly sat on the edge of the bed, taking ahold of the frog teddy that was on his bed. Remembering when the pair decided to buy matching frog teddys and named them the night after the heart in the elevator. A day / night she would never forget. A memory she often found herself coming back to lately.

Remembering when George was happy and had a recognisable face. Not a bruised face and six feet under.

Most of the items in this room would be packed into boxes and shipped back to Georges mom. Holly only wanted a few items of George's. Not to particularly remember him because Holly will always have a soft spot for George in her heart, they had unforgettable memories together. But a few items of his just so she could hold him in a metaphorical way. And act as if he was still here.

Moving away from the bed, the teddy still in her grasp she opened George's wardrobe. Finding that he had barely any clothes, mostly hoodies and a pair of blue jeans. Atleast it'll be easy to pack up. She thought to herself.

For a good thirty minutes, Holly packed up some of George's clothes into boxes and putting the majority into a charity bag.

Finding two last items, one of them being an I heart NYC tank top. Making Holly raise her eyebrows and giggle at the idea of seeing George in one of them.

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