- drowning on dry land

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[ season 3 episode 16 ]

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[ season 3 episode 16 ]

"Okay, can you tell me your name? Or where my friend is or just anything? Did you see anything? Just anything?" Holly rambled as she felt the panic rising in her. She looked on the ground to the man who was grunting in pain.

"Um, I don't know your name so I'm just going to call you child. Child I need you to go over there, see where those tents are? Yeah I need you to get anyone, anyone who has the same coat as me or just anyone okay? Say something will you child." Holly says fastly, she takes her coat off and puts it on the child. She looks over to the mans body.

She checks his pulse and everything "He's stable, he's stable." Holly whispered as she looked out at the water.

"I don't even know how to swim!" Holly said pacing and taking deep breaths. "Think about Meredith, just think Meredith and how we are going to be heroic and pull her out the water. Yeah that sounds good." Holly said as she saw the child stare at her.

"Okay stand here." Holly says as the child walks next to her. "Once you can't see me anymore you have to get go someone. Okay? Once you can't see the top of my head go and get someone." Holly said as the girl nodded.

Holly walked down the stairs and took a deep breath. "Jesus, I know me and you aren't best friends, but please don't let Meredith die. Or me don't let either of us die." Holly said while making the sign of the cross. "Thank you jesus."

She walked down to the last step to feel the water brush against her shoes.

"You know what to do right?" Holly asked one more time turning around to the girl, the girl nodded in response.

"Okay, I've seen this on the TV they take like a dolphin stance." Holly said putting her hands together and putting them above her head. "And they lean forward? I should pay attention to the Olympics." Holly said leaning towards the water and looking at her reflection.

"Well it's now or never." Holly said before jumping into the water.


"Derek? Have you seen Holly in a while?" Cal asked as he saw Derek with Meredith's coat in his arms. "No but I just found Meredith's coat on some guys body." Derek said looking around.

Cal felt a tug on his arm and looked down. "Oh hello little one." Cal said then he realised what jacket she was wearing. Cal turned around to look for Derek. "Derek! I think we have a little problem!" Cal shouted making Derek run back to Cal.

"That's Holly's jacket." Derek said looking at the little girl. "Do you know where they are? Meredith or Holly?" Derek asked as the girl shook her head. Making Cal and Derek look at each other.

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