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[ season 2 episode 1 ]

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[ season 2 episode 1 ]

Holly stood infront of her sister. Shocked that she was now working here. "Why, why on earth would you come here!" Holly shouted at her sister. Her sister looked shocked at her sisters outburst. "I was happy. I didn't need you here!" The two who stood on the staircase.

"I'm not here for you Holly. I'm here to work." Lily said going to grab Holly's arms. Holly instantly pulled her arms away. "Come on Holly. Don't act like your not happy to see me here." Lily said making Holly rub on her forehead.

"Of course I'm not happy to see my sister here! I wanted to be away from you! Away from our family. I wanted space from whatever our dysfunctional family had going on! Because for at least the past two months I havent thought about you! I have been happy." Holly lied. Well she wasn't exactly happy as she just found out the person she was sleeping with gave her best friend syphilis. "I'm angry at the fact you always show up out of nowhere. And you somehow manage to ruin everything." Holly said walking away from her sister.

She got to the bottom of the stairs to see Meredith standing infront of Derek. She walked up to Meredith "Meredith. We are going drinking. I do not care what you have going on here." Meredith instantly nodded letting Holly drag her away.

"Oh, I'm so glad you dragged me out of there." Meredith says thankfully. "You can thank me for paying for the drinks I'm about to shove down my throat." Holly said as she let go of Meredith's arm to start walking to Joe's.

"Okay. But how does this happen! I slept with my boss who then became my boyfriend! And then he had some secret wife. Like has that ever happened to anyone before." Meredith said picking up another shot and throwing it to the back of her throat feeling the burn.

"My sisters here. And I hate her because she's just so controlling. You know? She just wants to tell me what I can and can't do like I'm an adult now I do adulty things" Holly complained picking up another shot. "God I hate her" Holly threw her arms up in the air. "And don't forget my sort-of boyfriend who gave George syphilis!".

George and Cristina then enter the bar. Everyone stands up cheering and clapping. Holly and Meredith look around them confused "All hail the champ!" Joe shouts. George and Cristina head towards the actual bar. "So, my guy Ale finally got what was coming to him." Joe says making Holly let out a little 'woo'.

"George knocked him down in one punch you should've seen it" Cristina said sitting down on a stool. George threw his bag down on the table aggressively "I don't want to talk about it!" He said making Meredith jump and Holly laugh at her.

"You have earned bragging rights." Joe said passing George a beer.

"Lets play the game of who's life sucks the most. I'll win, I always win" Meredith says asking the group around her. "No you don't wanna play with me." Cristina said drinking on some water. Holly looked at her. And raised her eyebrows then turned back to her drink.

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