35. Found

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Author's POV:-

Areum was on her way back home. She still had her mask on but she wasn't aware of the people following her.

Jungkook's spies had eyes on her as per his order. They can't attack her but can follow her.

She was humming a song while driving nonchalantly. Her phone rang with the caller being Yoongi. She picked it up and turned on her earpiece.

"Hey Yoongs!" She spoke happily. Her success visible in her voice. On the other side, Yoongi sighed in relief knowing she is fine.

"Umm yeah hey. Done with your task?" He asked even though he knew the answer.

The red light made her stop as she tapped her fingers on the steering of the car. She smiled proudly. "Yup! And you know what? It was so damn easy." She chuckled.

Yoongi was chuckling on the other side. "So my Rumie can challenge anyone. Whether it's the world's biggest mafia."

Areum smiled and accelerated as the light turned green. "Yes. You're in safe hands Yoongs." She said sassily.

Yoongi scoffed. "It's me who taught you all that. Don't be so cocky princess." Areum could feel the smirk on his face from his voice.

"You want me to say thanks or pamper you with pecks on your cheeks?" She asked mischievously. She turned her head left and right watching the pedestal.

"Both would be fine. But I would prefer the latter one. That sounds better. You know action speaks louder than words." He chuckled as Areum smiled.

"Sure. Wait till I come." She licked her lips as a black car blocked her path. "What the fuck?" She growled annoyingly.

"These days people don't even know how to drive." She sulked. "Everything's okay? What happened?" Yoongi got worried.

"Yeah it's fine. Just a fucker almost bumped into me with his Jaguar." She spoke as if it's nothing.

"You call it fine?! You could've been seriously injured!" Yoongi poured all of his anger.

Areum was busy trying to pass through the car. She didn't listen to any of what Yoongi said.

"Bye I will be back soon." And without waiting for any response she ended the call. "For fucks sake give me space to go!" She shouted at the driver of the Jaguar.

He let it slid a bit making space for her car to go. "Sorry miss!" He shouted for her to listen. "Yeah fine." She muttered.

She drove past the car. Her mood turned from cheerful to annoyed. "I need to visit club today." She passed her fingers through her hair.

Taehyung's POV:-

I was idly laying on my bed. I skipped my appointments with the new hired psychiatrist. My mind is just filled with Minkyu's thoughts.

I want her. I need her. I will get her.

The only things that went through my mind were the picture of Jimin and the so called Minkyu's look alike.

I swear I felt her presence seeing the picture. I felt that she is the one. The one I love. She is Minkyu.

What if she never died? What if she was always there?

The only way to find this is to meet her. But I know nothing about her and Jimin will never tell me.

I looked at the window beside my bed. "Where are you? I need you so much right now. My mind is messing with me. I can't live more without you."

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