34. We met

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Author's POV:-

Areum was turning left and right in her sleep. Haunted by another nightmare.

She experiences those frequently. Especially the angel and a devil one.

She screamed in frustration as Yoongi, who was passing by her room, stopped and hurriedly knocked at the door.

"Rumie?!" He shouted back her name. He was knocking roughly and repeatedly shouted her name.

"Open the door! Are you okay?!" He was worried for her. He can't see her in pain. Even a single tear in her eye makes him want to protect her. The reason why he doesn't want her to interact with outsiders.

When she didn't open after a few minutes, he was left with no option but to break the door.

He backed off a bit to run and knock the door out. He rushed towards it. As soon as his shoulder came in contact with it, the door flew open. Areum opened it.

He couldn't control himself. He tried to stop but no baam! He hit Areum as they both fell down on the hard floor.

"What the fuck Yoongs?!" Areum hissed as she sat on the floor rubbing her elbow.

"I told you to open the door 10 minutes ago but you gave no response. And when I tried to break it and enter, you opened it. Now you're asking me what the fuck I did." Yoongi groaned and ranted as he laid next to her.

"Damn. You are in pain, still can't leave a chance to scold me." She rolled her eyes at him and laid beside him.

He turned his head towards her and ruffled her hair. "So what happened? I was so worried." He sighed.

She held his hand which was ruffling her hair and looked back at him and then the ceiling. "A nightmare again."

Now Yoongi's gaze darkened. "What did you see this time?" His voice dropped octaves lower making it more intimidating.

"A devil trying to grab an angel. And the angel looked like me. I am nowhere near an angel." She chuckled and looked at Yoongi, who was dead serious.

"From now on, you will sleep in my room." He said ordering her.

"Why?" She laughed at him, but got a piercing gaze in return. "Come on Yoongs, it's not that serious. I am a strong woman I can take care of myself." She smiled at him assuringly.

He turned her towards and making them lay face to face. "What I say is final. And you don't know how serious this is. So just listen to me. I will get your bed shifted there by the noon."

He kissed her forehead and then cheeks. He stood up, patting dust off his clothes. "And be ready, I got a call from that old man. He needs your help." He chuckled.

She groaned loudly. "I hate that man." She turned over and held her head.

"You have a late night photoshoot too. Although I thought to cancel it as I don't want you to overwork but they said it was important." He said looking at her with a soft smile on his face.

"Fine. I am coming downstairs. I need breakfast as soon as I am at the table." She huffed and stood up.

"Yes princess." Yoongi chuckled and walked out of the door.

Areum lazily walked to her bathroom to start her daily morning routine.

After taking a bath, she wrapped herself in a towel and walked out of the bathroom and sat on her bed. "What should I wear?" She spoke confused.

Suddenly her phone rang and the contact said 'Shitty old man'. "This man has no work. Can't he wait sometime?" She rolled her eyes.

She picked the call and put it on speaker. "Yeah. What's the matter?"

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