30. Areum

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1 month later....

Yoongi's POV:-

I was sitting in my yard sipping some green tea looking at the greenery infront of me.

"Yoongs!" The same cheerful sound I hear every morning made its way to my ears.

She wrapped her hands around my shoulders from back and hugged me.

"Areumie! Good morning. Why are you awake so soon today?" I asked her and held her hand pulling her to sit infront of me.

"Umm good morning to you too and I have something to tell you!" She spoke excitedly.

I raised my eyebrow at her. "And what's that?"

She smirked. "I made them agree for the business." She sassily flipped her hair.

I smiled. "I knew it. You can do anything if you are determined." I patted her head.

"I know Yoongs. Anyways I wanted to ask you something." I know what she will ask.

I shook my head. "Rumie you aren't getting anymore tattoos. You already have 6. Do you even understand? It's just been one month and-"

"Geez chill. I know. It's the last one I swear. Please. Please." I sighed. She never listens to me. Damn.

"Fine. Fine. You can get. But it's the last." I said to her sternly.

"Oh gosh! I love you so much." And she pecked my cheeks. I smiled.

"Why you always agree to her every single demands? You know it's not good." Suddenly Baekhyun comes from behind.

"Fuck off! You're just jealous that I am loved more than you." Areum rolled her eyes and I chuckled.

"Will you talk to me in a normal way? Why always fiesty?" He asked her annoyingly.

It's true. She is cute and lovey dovey just to me. She is all badass and daring everywhere else.

"No I won't. Anyways Yoongs I am going to get one. Will come back till evening." She stood up from the chair.

"Evening? Why this late?" I asked her seriously.

"Umm kinda bored so picked up a mission. I will be back till evening and then I have to go to a club at night." She said nonchalantly as if it's nothing.

Actually it's nothing. It's her normal routine, but I can't help myself from getting worried about her.

"But-" She didn't even let me complete my sentence and held my cheeks and squished them.

"Yoongs I promise I will be all good. You know I am good. And the club one is just a meeting with some of my clients. Don't worry I will bring Sunmi with me." And she left my cheeks and ran away.

"Dude you really became a father to an adult girl." Baekhyun chuckled seeing me speechless.

"Maybe." I said still looking at the way she left.

"I never thought you can be this sweet and caring." He pointed.

"Neither did I. She gave me some reason to be happy. It really feels like I brought her up. In just one month she became so much special to me." I spoke smiling to myself.

"Yeah. And her hobbies and interests are beyond my understanding." He laughed and remembering that a chuckle escaped my lips too.

"True." So Areum's main job which she focuses a lot is, drug dealing. Her hobby is assassinating. Yeah, killing people as a mission. That's what she was talking right now.

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