Leave me alone

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It was now Tuesday and the Pogues were all sitting in the cafeteria at school, Kiara and Shea were deep into conversation about Kiara's new turtle club she joined.

"So basically there's this girl in my group who went to Australia and swam with turtles, so we're talking about that right now, I'm thinking of bringing up the day me and Sarah went to save the baby sea turtles" kiara said with nervousness in her voice.

"I think that's a great idea, I mean you and Sarah are friends now, so it's not like it's something to be sad over" Shea smiled.

"That's true, do you think the club would like it?" She asked.

"Yeah of course, and if they don't, you can tell me all about it" Shea said with a bright smile.

"I did tell you about it" Kira furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yeah Umm, I may or may not have been super high on JJs cousins shit when you told me" Shea said holding her breathe.

"Of course you were" Kiara rolled her eyes playfully.

Shea laughed and took a sip of her ice coffee that Kiara had made for her, she then felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Emily gaining everyone's attention at the table.

"What do you want?" Shea asked with annoyance.

"I just wanted to say congratulations" she said smiling.

"Um for what?" Shea asked with a nervous laugh.

"For realizing that if JJ can cheat on you then it shouldn't be a problem if you sleep with someone else" she said crossing her arms.

Everyone furrowed their eyebrows at Shea and shea looked back at Emily.

"What are you talking about?" Shea asked.

"Oh don't play dumb, you and rafe Cameron, you guys slept together" she said, everyone at the table went silent when John b slammed his fist on the table and stood up.

"Emily get the fuck out of here, you have no idea what you're talking about" he said standing next to Shea.

"Aww, that's cute, are you scared to fight me again so you're having your brother yell at me?" She pouted.

"Leave me alone Emily" Shea said sternly.

"Why should I?" She tilted her head.

Shea rolled her eyes and stood up, she walked closer to Emily and Emily stepped back a bit.

"Because you know for a fact that I could beat your ass like I did before" Shea said clenched her fists.

"Id like to see you try, just know that you'd get suspended again" Emily smiled.

Shea didn't care about getting suspended, not one bit, so after Emily said that Shea shoved her back causing her to stumble into a table and drop plates on the floor. Emily huffed and walked closer to Shea but Shea punched her right in the eye.

JJ quickly wrapped his arms around Shea and pulled her out of the cafeteria. Once they were in the hallway with no one around Shea got out of JJ's grasp and started pacing back and fourth.

"Hey Shea, it's okay" he said putting his arms on her shoulders stopping her, she looked at him for moment before breaking down completely, wrapping her arms around JJ's waist and leaning her head on his chest.

He immediately held her tightly and kissed her forehead. "It's okay Shea, don't listen to her okay?"

"Does everyone think that we fucked? Cause we didn't, I would never do that to you JJ, please believe me, I would never, he assaulted me, I didn't want to do anything with him" she cried into her shirt.

Brothers Best Friend  // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now