Can I trust you?

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Sheas POV

I woke up frantically from a bad dream about what happened, breathing heavily, I pushed the hair off my sweaty forehead and looked around.

JJ quickly sat up and rubbed my back, "babe, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry" I whispered between heavy breaths.

"Babe don't be sorry, what's wrong?" He asked pulling me to straddle his waist.

I covered my face with my hands as he held my lower back.

"Can you tell me what's wrong babe, please" he asked.

"I'm scared" i trembled.

"What are you scared of? Telling me? Or of what happened?" He asked.

"Both, I'm sorry" I said as tears started building up in my eyes.

"Hey, it's okay, you don't have to be scared, I'm here to listen" he said quietly taking my hands off of my face and holding them gently.

"Okay" I said looking down at our hands that were intertwined. "Can I trust you to not do anything or tell anyone until I'm ready?" I asked looking up into his eyes.

"Yes of course" he said putting one of his hands on my cheek.

"Yesterday after I found a job" I sighed "I ran into rafe, and um we were just talking about my new job" I stopped to take a breathe and looked down at the rings on his fingers.

"He um, pulled me behind the shop and....." tears started welling up in my eyes. His thumb rubbed my cheek softly as he continued to wait me listen.

"He, um, he..... he" I couldn't even say it, it's terrible to even say and the fact that it happened to me is scary.

"Oh my gosh, it's hard to say" I said throwing my head back.

"Hey hey, it's okay, take your time" he said putting his hand back on my cheek making me look at him.

I took a deep breathe and looked at him, a few tears dropped from my eyes, "he raped me" I said quietly.

JJs body tensed up and his jaw clenched, his hand dropped from my cheek and ran through his hair.

"JJ please, don't do anything right now, just let me heal, Im not ready to tell anyone yet okay? Please just be here for me" I said grabbing both of his hands.

"Okay, okay, I'm here for you baby, I'm sorry for not being there for you" he said quietly.

"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault" I said, he raised his hand to my cheek and wiped off the tears that had fallen.

"I love you Shea, im going to protect you for as long as I can" he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you too JJ" I said softly.

3rd person POV

Shea and JJ sat on the couch while pope sat on the floor reading his text books, school today was boring, but scary as hell for Shea.

She felt nervous to be near everybody except for John b and JJ, so she stuck with them throughout the day.

She was cuddled into JJ's body, wearing leggings to cover her bruises, and a hoodie.

"Guys I need help with this math question" pope said out of no where.

"Woah, you need help with a question?" JJ asked surprised.

"Yes JJ, just because I'm smarter then you know doesn't mean I know everything" he rolled his eyes.

"What's the question?" I asked quietly.

"It's 9x9 (3+7)" he said looking up at me.

"Um, that's 810" I answered.

"What the fuck how did you get that so quickly" JJ said looking down at me.

"I don't know" I laughed slightly.

"Smart ass" John b said walking out of his bedroom with a smile towards Shea.

Shea returned the smile and rest her head on JJ's shoulder.

"Hey party people" Kiara said walking through the door.

"Hey Kie" John b said grabbing a beer from the fridge.

"What are we doing tonight?" She asked sitting on the pullout couch.

"Oh shit" I whispered to myself, JJ looked down at me confused.

"I have work today at 5, can you please drive me?" I asked quietly.

"Of course I'll drive you, we have to leave soon though" he said, I nodded and stood up.

"Shea has work tonight, I'm driving her" JJ said standing up with me.

John b glanced at Shea and gave her a worried look, she looked over at him and gave him a small smile saying she was okay.

Everyone nodded and they walked outside to the van, "do you have to wear something specific?" He asked getting in the drivers seat.

"No, she just said to show up" shea said.

He nodded and started driving to the pawn shop, on the way there sheas leg was bouncing up and down. JJ put his hand on her thigh to stop it, giving her a comforting smile.

When they pulled up outside Shea couldn't help but stare behind the shop, she could picture everything happening.

"Hey, are you okay?" JJ asked snapping her out of her trance.

"Uh yeah, I'm okay" she said nodding, she leaned over and gave him a small kiss. "Can you pick me up later? At 9?" She asked.

"Of course, text me if you need anything okay babe?" He said.

She nodded and gave him a smile before getting out of the car slowly. She walked up to the front door and waved at JJ as he drove away. She walked in and saw the same lady that gave her the job.

"Hey darling, you ready to start?" She asked Shea.

Shea put on a fake smile and nodded.

Shea was nervous throughout her whole shift that rafe might show up but nothing had happened and she was standing outside waiting for JJ to come.

The door to the shop opened and closed and Shea turned to see the lady, she locked the door and looked at Shea.

"You have a ride home darling?" She asked.

"Uh yeah my boyfriends on his way" Shea smiled.

"Okay, are you okay to stay here by yourself or should I just go home?" She asked.

"Uh I think I'm okay, thank you though, I'll see you on Wednesday" Shea smiled.

The lady nodded with a smile and walked over to her car, just as she got in JJ pulled up in the van. Shea smiled and walked over to the drivers side as he rolled the window down.

"Hey baby, how'd it go?" He asked.

"It went good, thankfully" Shea said and gave him a kiss before walking over to the passenger side and getting in. As the were driving home JJ put his hand on her thigh causing her to smile. Shea felt safe with JJ, and after a stressful day, finally being alone with him made her feel so much better.

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