Kook party

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As the van pulled up to toppers street they all looked out the window too see all the drunk kook teenagers, pope huffed and sat back in his seat.

"I can't believe we're here, we should've just had our own kegger at the bone yard" he said.

"It'll be okay Pope, let's just chill out and have some fun" Shea smiled at him, she grabbed JJs hand and pulled him out of the car.

The rest of the group followed and they all walked inside toppers huge house. Shea quickly pulled JJ towards the kitchen where the drinks were and they made themselves something to drink.

"Should we take a lap?" JJ asked.

"Yeah, I wanna see what the drunk kooks are doing" Shea said with a smile.

They made there way through the house, it was so loud due to the music that was blasting and all you could smell was, weed, alcohol and the expensive perfumes and colognes.

As they walked they noticed John b standing with Sarah outside near a tree, he seemed really happy with her and that made Shea smile.

"Look at John b, I'm glad he's happy" Shea smiled.

"Yeah, it's been pretty long since he got laid" JJ smirked.

"Same with me" Shea winked at him.

JJ looked at her with a smirk and pulled her outside of the house, "where are we going" Shea giggled.

"You'll see" he said and pulled her away from the house and towards the van that was parked down the street from the house.

"Uh oh, what is mr Maybank gonna do to me" she said with a confused smile.

"Get in and you'll see" he said with a wink.

Shea laughed and hopped in the back of the van, he quickly followed and closed the door.

Shea sat down on the floor and leaned against the bench, JJ quickly sat beside her and then pulled out his lighter and a blunt from his pocket.

"Let's get high" he said with a smile.

"Don't have to ask me twice" she smiled and grabbed the blunt from him, she put it between her lips and leaned towards JJ.

He then lit the end for her and she sucked in the smoke, as she took the blunt out of her mouth she inhaled some more and then blew out the smoke and handed it to JJ.

"That was hot" he said and took a hit himself.

About 30 minutes later they were both high as fuck, JJ had definitely put his cousins weed in that blunt. Shea was laughing on the ground and JJ was laughing still sitting the way he was before.

"Hey, do you think pope and Kiara should fuck? Cause I do" Shea giggled.

"Honestly yeah, they should, pope is always staring at her, he just needs to make a move, I know he likes her because he told me" he said, Shea gasped and sat up and stared at him with a smile.

"Kiara likes him too! JJ we have to set them up!" She  said scooting over to sit next to him.

"Pope told me that he was gonna tell her soon, don't know when though" he shrugged.

"Hopefully soon, that kid needs to get laid, just like John b" Shea giggled.

"Speaking of that" JJ smirked putting his hand on her cheek and making her look at him.

Shea smiled and moved her body so she could straddle him, she put her hands on his chest as his hands were placed on her lower back.

"You look hot in that dress, but you'd look even better if it was off" he said leaning in to kiss her neck.

Shea smiled and moved her head to the side as he kissed her neck gently, she started moving her hips back and forth slowly, making him grunt.

"The things you do to me" he said in a whisper.

Shea leaned back and he looked her up and down, "so are we gonna do this in the car? Or wait till we get back home" he asked.

"Oh I am not waiting" she smiled and then smashed her lips against his.

She continued to move her hips, she reached her hands up to the buttons of his shirt and started undoing them. JJs hands slid up her thigh, to her ass and then up her dress bunching it up just above her waist.

Just then they heard talking from outside the door and the door slide open, causing Shea to jump off of JJ and pulling her dress down.

"That dickhead will never see the light of day if he pulls that shit again— oh hey guys, what are y'all doing?" Kiara says getting into the back with pope following her.

"Oh um, just getting high" Shea said pointing to her eyes that were still heavy and red.

"I have a feeling that wasn't the only thing you were doing" pope smirked and got into the drivers seat.

Shea blushed and looked out the window, "you're right pope, but you guys interrupted us so that was the only thing we were doing" JJ said rolling his eyes.

He grabbed sheas waist and pulled her to sit on his lap so her back was leaning against his chest, he wrapped his arms around her waist and she held his hands playing with his rings.

"Where's John b and Sarah?" Shea asked.

"Pretty sure he went home with Sarah" Kiara said with a smirk.

"Oh lord" Shea said with a laugh.

"Guess what I got" Kiara said reaching behind her back, Shea looked at her with a smile.

Kiara then pulled out a full bottle of pink Whitney, Shea gasped and reached for it, Kiara handed it to her and she quickly opened the cap.

"Thanks love, you're the best" she smiled before taking a few bug gulps.

"Whoo I love pink Whitney" Shea smiled.

"We know you do" JJ said taking the bottle from her and putting the cap back on.

"Hey I wasn't done with that" she pouted.

"Oh yeah you are, I can't have you drunk when I'm about to make you feel so good tonight" he whispered in her ear so only she could hear.

Shea felt her cheeks heat up and crossed her legs, JJ smirked and placed his hand on her thigh.

"Pope can you hurry up and drive home" Shea said.

"Uh yeah I guess" he said with furrowed eyebrows and started driving back to the chateau.

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