Boy problems

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The Pogues all sat at their table in the cafeteria eating their lunch, Shea sat in between John b and JJ and Kiara and pope sat across from them.

"How's things with Sarah jb?" Shea asked.

"There good, were actually hanging out later" he said looking down at his water bottle with a smile.

"That's fun, what are y'all doing?" Kiara asked.

"Um probably going for a drive, then get food" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"I love car rides, there's something so relaxing about them" Shea said smiling at him.

"She says the same thing, I don't really feel that way though, maybe it's because I'm the one driving" he chuckled.

"I'm gonna go get a gatorade from the vending machine" pope said standing up.

"I'll come with you, I need another water" John b said.

Once the 2 boys left, JJ and Shea turned their gaze to kiara with smiles.

"What?" She asked with a nervous chuckle.

Shea put her elbows on the table and rest her head in her hands.

"How's things going with pope?" Shea smirked.

"Yeah, I have either of you made a move?" JJ asked crossing his arms.

"No, I haven't said anything yet, but he's been more open with me lately, yesterday at the chateau we were sitting on the couch and he put his arm around me" she smiled.

"Damn, didn't know my man pope was gonna make the first move" JJ chuckled.

"Well I'm not going too, how do you even know he likes me" Kiara asked.

"He told me" JJ said.

"I can confirm" Shea added.

"Well I'm still not making the first move, I'm too nervous I'll fuck it up" she said wiping her hands on her legs.

"Kiara please, your hot, smart, funny and your confidence is amazing, you out of all people would not fuck it up" Shea said sitting back in her chair.

"Sheas right, but I have a feeling pope gonna make a move soon" JJ smirked.

Kiara couldn't help but smile and look down at her hands. The 2 boys came back about 2 minutes later and sat back down in their seats, Shea noticed pope glance at Kiara but when she looked at him he quickly looked away.

Shea smiled at looked at JJ who was also smiling at the 2.

It was now Friday night, the Pogues were all at the chateau for a sleepover. Shea definitely noticed a change in pope and Kiara's friendship, they started to hang out more, they we're definitely more touchy and would flirt randomly.

She was convinced that something would happen between the 2 of them soon.

Shea walked into her room to see JJ looking through her bra drawer.

"Umm what are you doing" she asked crossing her arms.

"I'm trying to find your weed stash so we could get high tonight" he said looking up from the drawer and at his girlfriend.

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