Back at school

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"Why does everyone have to stare at me" Shea said with a frown as her and JJ walked through the hallways to science.

"Well their staring at you because you beat Emily's ass, and their staring at me because I happened to have slept with Emily" he said rolling his eyes.

"I'm just glad I haven't had to see her today, other then gym and lunch, but she didn't come up to me, I have a feeling she's gonna do something soon" Shea said walking into the science lab with JJ quickly following her.

"If she does ill be there don't worry, but maybe don't start a fight on school property, I can't have you suspended for another week" he said sitting down next to her.

"Don't worry, I'm only fighting her if she starts it" Shea smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

Shea had gone the full day of school without an intervention with Emily, she was very thankful for that. She didn't feel like giving out anymore free nose jobs, she'd rather get paid.

Shea walked out the back door of the chateau and walked over to the shed where they had more random couches and chairs placed just outside of it.

She sat down and started studying for a math test, it was a little hard due to JJ mowing the lawn in the background but she didn't really care.

Her focus on her book was broken when she heard someone clear their throat, she looked up to see the last person she though she'd see at her house.

"Emily? What are you doing at my house?" Shea said putting her book down and standing up.

"Well I was gonna talk to you earlier at school but I decided that I didn't need to get the school involved" she said crossing her arms.

"Did you come here to try and get with my boyfriend again or?" Shea asked raising an eyebrow.

"Wow good guess, but not exactly, I just wanted to ask where he was, I need to speak to him" she smiled.

"Yeah you're not speaking to him here, you can leave" Shea said pointing towards her driveway.

"No I'm not leaving until you tell me where he lives" Emily said glaring at shea.

"Oh my lord, he's mowing the lawn" Shea said rolling her eyes and started walking towards JJ.

Emily quickly followed, shea walked up behind JJ and tapped his shoulder. He turned his head and furrowed his eyebrows when he saw Emily. He then turned off the lawn mower and looked at Shea confused.

"What's she doing here?" He asked.

"She wanted to speak with you" Shea said and they both turned their gaze to the blonde girl.

"Um Shea go away, I meant alone" Emily said motioning with her hand for her to walk away.

"Oh lord you are a tool" Shea laughed and walked away from the 2, but she did not let them out of sight.

JJ looked at Emily confused as the blonde girl walked closer to him and put a hand on his bare arm.

"JJ, you do realize that she isn't good for you, and honestly you could do so much better, like me" she smiled putting her arms around his neck.

He furrowed his eyebrows and she smirked, Shea was sending daggers towards the girl as she watched her every move.

"I'm happy with Shea so please leave emily" he said calmly clenching his jaw.

"JJ baby, you know that this thing you and Shea have won't last so why don't you just quit it and come with me" she winked.

JJ clenched his fists and let out a huge huff of air, Emily smirked and raked her hands through his blonde hair.

"JJ, come on love, I can give you the world" she smiled, JJs eyes didn't leave hers but he didn't plan of doing anything with her. She needed to leave, JJ went to step away from the blonde girl but she quickly pulled him back and smashed her lips onto his.

"Oh fuck no!" Shea said storming over there, JJ quickly pulled away and stepped back from the girl who stood there smirking.

"What the fuck Emily, get the fuck away from my house! Get the fuck out of my life and leave me and my friends the fuck alone!" Shea yelled in her face and shoved her back.

Emily stepped back, she had definitely gotten nervous when she's shoved her.

"Do you want to get your ass beaten again?" Shea yelled on her face.

Emily quickly shook her head, "that's what I thought bitch, now get off my property!" Shea snarled at the girl who quickly walked away from the house.

Shea huffed and walked back towards the house, JJ quickly followed her. Shea walked up the steps to the porch and was up to walk inside the house but she then punched the wall as hard as she could.

"Shea stop! You're gonna hurt yourself" JJ said grabbing her body and pulling her into a hug.

"I'm sorry I'm just really pissed off right now" she said and winced as she moved her bloody knuckles around.

"It's okay, come on let's just get you cleaned up" he said and brought her inside.

"What the hell was that noise?" John b asked from the pullout couch.

"Shea punched the wall" JJ quickly answered and took her to her washroom, closing and locking the door behind them.

"Sit on the counter beautiful" he smiled at her as he took the first aid kit.

She smiled and hopped on top of the counter, he then stood between her legs and grabbed her bruised and bloodied hand.

"This is gonna hurt love" JJ said looking into her eyes.

She nodded and looked away from him and her hand, he then brought the cotton pad with alcohol to her knuckles and started cleaning them. She winced in pain and put her forehead on JJs shoulder.

"Okay, I'm done cleaning it, you just need to not do anything to hurt it more, so maybe just keep your distance from Emily" he said with a small smile.

"I try" she said lifting her head from his shoulder.

He put the kit away and then stood back between her legs. She smiled at him and put her hands on his chest.

He leaned in to kiss her but she leaned away, "um no, you need to wash your lips, Emily just kissed you, I ain't kissing that" she said with a disgusted.

"True, it was disgusting" he said with a chuckle and walked over to the sink and washed his mouth off. He then quickly went back over to Shea and grabbed her waist. She wrapped her legs around his waist and wrapped her arms around his neck.

He lifted her off the counter with ease and brought her over to her bed laying her down.

"JJ I forgot my books outside, can you please get them for me baby" she said with a smile.

"Of course" he said and walked out of her room, she got under the covers and laid on her side closing her eyes.

When JJ walked back into the room he stopped and looked at Shea as she let out quiet breaths in her sleep, he put her books on her desk and then got into her bed next to her, getting under the covers and wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him.

Guys I already have my next story plot, I have the first chapter which is just the characters done, I love all of the original characters that I added and I hope you do too.

I'll be putting the story out when I finish this one.

The new story will be following the series and the main character will be a girl from figure 8. So she's a kook.

I hope after this book is done that you'll read my next one.

Brothers Best Friend  // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now