Thats a bit much dont ya think?

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"Why on earth did you decide to fight someone during the first week of school" the principal asked sitting down in his chair while Shea sat in the chair across from him.

She had her arms crossed and was biting her cheek to stop from going off.

"She was being rude" she said bluntly.

"So you chose violence?" He asked pushing his glasses up.

"Yup, I had the right to defend myself, shes been tormenting me and I've been telling her to leave me alone, so when she didn't stop I took the liberty to beat her ass" Shea said with a serious expression.

"Language Routledge, now what has she been saying to you that made you so upset that you broke her nose, bruised her jaw and split her lip"

"She said some things about my relationship with my boyfriend, which I was not okay with" Shea said rolling her eyes.

"And who is your boyfriend?" He asked.

"JJ, JJ maybank, well we're not exactly together at the moment but that doesn't matter" Shea said.

"Okay well, I've decided that a 1 weeks suspension is good for your punishment" he said grabbing a stack of papers and putting a paper clip at the top.

"Really? I was defending myself, that's a bit much don't ya think? What punishment is she getting?" Shea asked furrowing her eyes.

"She's getting 3 days, and I think 1 week is good Routledge, now when you come back I don't wanna see anymore fights" he said pointing at her. "Now since you don't have a legal guardian at the moment I'll get your brother to drive you home but he has to come right back" he said grabbing the phone.

Shea sighed as she nodded and looked towards the window, this year was not going so well and she had a gut feeling that it would be bad.

"Hello, yes please send John Routledge down to the office, thank you" he said and then hung up.

"Go get whatever you need and wait for him outside, ill see you next week Shea" he said, she huffed and walked out of the room.

She went to her locker and opened it grabbing her bag, books and her phone. She then closed it and walked towards the front doors where John b was waiting with his arms crossed.

"Dude what we're you thinking?" He asked as she walked right passed him to the van, he quickly followed.

"I was thinking that it looked like she needed a nose job, lucky for her I gave her a free one" Shea said huffing.

"Shea, I know your mad at her for JJ but starting a fight wasn't the best idea" he said getting into the front seat.

"John b, can you stop acting like my dad for once and just be my twin brother, what happened to cheering me on when stuff like this happened, or when we would go surfing together, or when we would take drives and blast our music" she asked throwing her bag into the back.

"I'm still your twin, I just don't think it's a good idea to start fights with someone like her, she may be at her school but her family's loaded" he said driving out of the parking lot.

"That didn't stop you from fighting topper at the kegger" Shea said pulling out her phone.

"Whatever" he said, "just don't think that this fight with her is over, she's definitely gonna wanna get back at you for humiliating her" he laughed.

"It was pretty embarrassing right? I mean like the only think she did was bite my hand like what the fuck she needs to learn how to fight if she's gonna be in one" Shea laughed.

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