Lithium Quartz

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Chapter Twenty-Two

They seriously need some harmony here.

This was reckless. She knew this, she had chanted it to herself all day, but she couldn’t resist. When she had received the note at breakfast, she had merely folded up in hopes to forget about it. But how could she? She needed to know.

So, at lunch, she lied to her friends about feeling a bit off, and instead of going to the Hospital Wing, she headed to the library.

Where she was to meet Morgan Fray.

Don’t give the page that look. It wasn’t her fault! He entranced her. He enraptured her. He was eager to meet with her. How could she resist? Just the thought of his image evoked feelings Savannah had almost never felt before. The way his cheeks sculpted to his chin made her own blush violently. And knowing she would soon lock eyes with him again? Her heart nigh almost stopped at the feeling of power.

“You came” The voice startled her from her thoughts as the physical form of it appeared from behind the nearest bookcase. Savannah licks her suddenly dry lips, noticing with a pang that his eyes flickered to watch the action.

“I’m here” His eyes, for a moment, blazed deeply with gold before settling to warmth and amusement.

“Shall we sit?” He gestured to the nearest table, the one in the middle of the library, for all to see. Savannah hesitates only briefly, before settling down into the seat he had pulled out for her, and waiting to see if he would speak.

“I confess to find myself amazed.” The brief silence was over and Savannah, having let her ankles cross slightly to the side and her torso to straighten unconsciously, leans an elbow onto the table, cupping her chin in her hand.

“Yes, Hogwarts does that to you.” His eyes flashed as he smiled. Her heart not only raced, but her palms grew sweaty. What was going on with her?

“Of course, that is what I meant.” He replies smoothly. Savannah clears her throat slightly, wondering what to say.

“Where did you come from?” She finds herself blurting. Morgan tilts his head, contemplating her rude inquiry. “You don’t have to answer, though.” She adds lamely. He smiles again.

“I come from the same as you. A wanderer, with no home until now.” He shifts his body, reclining into the back of his chair and resting his feet on an open seat between them. He seemed at perfect ease while Savannah was as taut as a drawn bow string.

“Your parents?”

“Dead” He says with no emotion. Savannah pats the toe of his shoe.




“You” His answer caught her off guard and she let her eyes widen with surprise and happiness.

“I’m glad.” She manages to say. He nods his head, never letting his gaze leave her face, the gems of his eyes freezing her to the spot.

“I have a question for you.”

“Yes?” Suddenly, his face is transformed and his eyes, so cool and collected, become bright with feverish determination.

“Come with me. For a walk. I do not want to be overheard.” He smiles without warning, leaving Savannah to only nod breathlessly before he holds out his hand, and without thinking, she places her own small one within it. His grasp is warm, too warm, but nice all the same. Familiar and causing a chill to go down her stomach.

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