Chapter 74: Reunions, Jealousy, and Third First Impressions

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Crimson's POV:

Hank came up from behind me and lazily wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Do we have to go back already? I was really enjoying having you all to myself," Hank spoke, his voice still raspy from having just woken up.

"I think if we stay any longer there won't be a school to return to," I argued.

"True, you always do manage to keep our more... irate friends under control," Hank whispered.

"What can I say, the crazy ones love me," I teased.

"Hey, now!" Hank defended himself.

Several Hours Later

We arrived back home at the school and pushed open the familiar large front doors. Sitting inside waiting for us like puppies was Warren and Sean. Sean was absent-mindedly staring off into space while Warren was staring directly at Sean looking like he was trying to kill Sean with his mind. They both seemed to notice us at the same time, causing both of them to quickly jump up from their seats and rush towards us. One of Warren's wings extended and 'accidentally' knocked Sean onto the floor.

"Welcome back!" Warren exclaimed engulfing both of us in a massive hug. Once Warren let go I saw Sean had managed to get off the floor successfully.

"You guys have fun? You do a little... hanky panky?" Sean joked.

"Sean-" Hank started to speak but he was interrupted.

"Man in the streets, beast in the sheets! Am I right!?" Sean exclaimed lifting his hand up to me for a high-five. I slowly and unenthusiastically gave him the high-five. More people filed down the staircase to say hello and soon everyone was gathered together.

"Attention everyone because it seems I'm the only one here who knows what fun is, I am having game night tonight! And you all have to come! Well, almost everyone no telepaths for the game!" Peter announced. Sounds of varying levels of excitement came from the group.

That Night

Everyone except for our resident telepathics had gathered together in the staff lounge and Peter had yet to inform us of our game. Sean seemed to have settled in pretty well and he was chatting away excitedly with Alex. I glanced over towards the bar and watched Erik slap Warren's hand away from the alcohol.

"Okay, guys so the game for tonight is... drumroll please," Peter spoke loud and proud. After a short pause people rhymically patted their hands against various surfaces and Peter erupted into a cheesy grin. "Paranoia!" Peter finally announced. Everyone looked around confused it seemed like I wasn't the only one who had never heard of the game.

"Paranoia makes me talk about you simultaneously behind your back and to your face! So everyone get in a circle. Then one person will WHISPER a question to the person to their right. The question can anything, but the answer must be the name of here. The person will tell everyone their answer. Then the person whose name is said will flip a coin. Heads and the question is revealed to everyone. Tails and no one will every know," Scott explained.

Everyone gathered together in a circle and I ended up with Peter on my left and Erik on my right. Great Peter is questioning me, this should be terrifying. The game soon started and the paranoia began to set in.

Jubilee leaned in and whispered a question to Scott whose face immediately turned bright red. All of leaned in eager to hear his answer.

"Peter," Scott spoke very quickly.

Everyone looked confused except for Peter who looked incredibly alarmed. Alex had a bit of a smile that made it seem like he knew something we didn't. Peter took the coin and tossed it up into the air. The coin fell down to reveal tails and everyone else sighed in frustration. Peter turned to me with a cocky grin before leaning in.

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