Chapter 15

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Crimson's POV:

I thought hell would be hotter. Instead, the world felt just a little warm, in a comforting way. I looked down and saw I was dressed in jeans, a red and black flannel, a black t-shirt, and some boots. I looked around and saw I was on some of the land Charles owned near the school. I walked along the lake taking in the familiar surroundings. It was quiet and peaceful, but lonely. I spotted a bench near the lake and under a large tree. I took a seat and relaxed in the calm atmosphere. I rested there for a while. I felt calm and at ease. There were no more threats, no fights, or petty feuds. I walked around more remembering all the goods time I had here. 

I remembered going for a run out here with Scott a few times.

I remembered having a little picnic by that lake with Raven and Charles.

I remembered playing hide and seek with Peter and Kurt. 

I remembered that night we snuck out and went swimming in the lake and Erik caught us.

I remembered when Peter's sister came to visit and we all had a tea party by Charles' favorite tree. 

I remembered going for a sunset stroll with Hank. 

Hank. I remembered Hank most of all. His calm and friendly demeanor. 

I remembered that day I was brought here. 

I remembered dying Erik's hair blonde. 

I remembered that night we all got drunk and Hank fell asleep in my bed. 

I remembered all the notes he left, I kept them all and put them in a box. 

I remembered him holding me as I died. 

I remember falling in love with him.

I could feel as a singular tear began to slide down my cheek. I missed him more than anything else. 

I watched as a wall slid up from the ground in front of me. It was a brick wall with photos of everyone from the school. In the middle of them, was a door. I opened the door and was hit with a bright, warm glow. I stepped inside. 

I woke up in my room at the school. I felt very weak and tired. I looked over to my side and saw Peter sitting there with his headphones in as he softly sang. I slowly reached out and tapped his arm causing him to jump. 

"Crimson? You're alive!" he called out excitedly. 

"Peter, do me a favor and grab Scott and Erik, but don't tell anyone else," I instructed. Peter took off and soon returned with Scott and Erik. Erik's eyes went wide and he just stared while Scott came over and gave me a hug. 

"How?" Erik asked.

"I always bounce back, remember?" I answered weakly.

"Should we you know, get Hank?" Scott asked smirking. 

"Not, yet I wanted to tell you guys something first," I spoke.

"Well get on with it!" Peter said.

"I'm in love with Hank," I told them.

"Does he know?" Scott asked.

"I tried to tell him, but then I, you know; died," I joked.

"I take it you want our help?" Peter questioned. 

"Yeah, there should be a box under my desk, grab that, and then bring Hank to the door and don't tell him anything, oh and skedaddle," I ordered. Peter sped off and Scott grabbed the box and placed it on my lap, while Erik helped me sit up. Scott and Erik left and soon I could hear footsteps come down the hall. 

The door slowly opened and Hank cautiously walked in. He glanced up and saw me, his eyes went wide and the biggest grin spread across his face. He walked over and sat on criss-cross on the end of the bed. 

"Hey Bones," I spoke softly. 

"Crim, I thought that you-" he spoke in the same soft tone. 

"I did, but I came back, I'll always come back"

"And I'll always be thankful for that"

"How long was I dead for?"

"34 days"

"New record"

Hank looked down at the box on my lap.

"What's that?" 

"This is every note you've written me"

"You kept them?"

"All of them"

"Why? They were just little things about my day and stuff"

"Because I love you"

Hank froze for a moment holding one of the notes in hand. Then he looked me in eyes and smiled. 

"And I love you"

Hank leaned forward and gave me a soft kiss, which I happily returned. 

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