Chapter 75: Planes, Hotels, and Boarding Schools

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Crimson's POV:

Albeit, it was weird and confusing, but Hank had found his own way to cope with jealousy. I also took the time to constantly remind him that I did in fact marry him and not Alex. So when Charles proposed we all go on expeditions to go recruit students I was more than thrilled at the opportunity. 

"I've decided to make things more fun-" Charles started. Oh no. Charles no. "So, you're all going to be grabbing an envelope at random from this hat. Inside is the name of a hotel with a reservation under my name for you, a plane ticket, and information on who you'll be recruiting. You'll all go to the airport, open your envelope then, board your plane, and figure out the rest," Charles explained. 

"Charles neglected to mention we'll all be going on four of these week-long trips in a row, so pack accordingly," Erik added.  

"Who'll watch over the house?" Scott questioned. 

"We have locks," Peter explained. 

"Thankfully," Hank whispered.

"MCCOY! I heard that!" Erik called out. 

"And we heard you!" I responded causing Erik to quickly shut up. 

"Ew," Peter and Warren called out. 

"Charles, can you stop employing children?" Alex asked. 

"If we were employed, we'd be getting paid!" Scott justified. 

"I house you all, pay for your food, setupyourrelationships, let you use my cars, and now I'm sending you all on four consecutive vacations," Charles defended. 

"YOU SET UP OUR WHAT?!" Scott yelled. 

"Anyways who wants to pick their envelopes?" Charles asked. 

After a few minutes I walked up to the four hats and blindly grabbed an envelope from each. 

An Hour Later

We had all arrived at the airport and it looked like it was time for us all to open up our first envelopes. Looks like I am going to; Eugene, Oregon. I walked over to Hank and pulled him into a hug. 

"Any chance you're going to Texas?" Hank asked. 

"Sorry, I'm heading to Oregon. Enjoy the heat though," I teased. 

"Oh, I'm not looking forward it," Hank answered. 

We broke apart and headed off in search of our terminals. I found my terminal and spotted Alex sitting down waiting. Well, that's unfortunate. I took a seat next to him.

"At least Charles got us good seats," I spoke breaking the slightly uncomfortable silence. 

"I would hope he did, it is an eight hour flight after all," Alex replied. 

"Eight hours!?" I uttered in disbelief. 

"At least you've got good company," Alex spoke smoothly tilting his head and giving me puppy dog eyes. 

"That's debatable," I teased. 

"Wow, harsh," Alex replied. 

An Hour Later

We had finally boarded the plane and it seemed like we would be taking off soon. The plane started to move and I noticed Alex grip onto the arm rest of his seat very tightly.

"Everything alright there?" I asked taking in his new demeanor. Alex give a tight lipped and very forced smile with a small nod. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think Mr. brave superhero is scared," I teased. 

"It's a sideways building going hundreds of miles per hour! It doesn't make sense! It shouldn't work!" Alex whisper yelled.  

"Alex, planes are specially crafted to be incredibly safe," I comforted. 

"Says the person who is literally indestructible," Alex spoke with sass. 

Over Eight Hours Later

We arrived at the hotel room and I walked up to the front desk. 

"Reservation under Charles Xavier," I stated.

"Room 175," The clerk stated handing me two keys. 

Alex and I walked to our and pushed the ridiculously heavy door open. We walked into the room and came to a startling conclusion. 

"There's only one bed," Alex stated blankly.

"Well, I tell you what Sherlock Holmes. You are a genius," I teased avoiding the situation. 

"I'm not sleeping on the floor," Alex spoke. 

"Then sleep in the bathtub," I rebutted. Alex looked offended. 

"I am sleeping in that bed," Alex stated firmly. 

"Alexander mother fucking Summers I will throw your blonde ass off the god damn balcony," I threatened. 

"I'll take my chances with bathtub," Alex replied. 

I grabbed a pillow off the bed and threw it at him. 

"Can I get a blanket?" Alex asked. 

"There are towels in the bathroom, you can figure something out," I responded. 

Many Hours Later

I wake up to Alex nudging me. I opened my eyes and he stood beside the bed with his hair sticking out at all orders. 

"I'm bored," Alex complained. 

"Fine, let's get to work," I spoke getting out of bed. Alex walked over to the desk and pulled out all the information given to us.

"So, the person we're looking for is- wait this can't be right," Alex spoke looking over the papers. 

"He's an adult?" I questioned. 

"Whatever Charles wants, Charles gets, I suppose," Alex stated. I pointed to one of the newspaper clippings. 

"Looks like we are headed to 'Sister Margaret's School For Wayward Children'," I announced. 

Author's Note:

Any guesses as to whom Alex and Crimson will be meeting? And no it doesn't have anything to do with Oregon, I just needed a location very different from New York. For reasons. 

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