Chapter 51

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Crimson's POV:

I left Erik to do whatever it is he does with his time. I've still got two more people to speak with before the kids are released and we begin to pretend like we didn't just have a war. I decided to go to Warren's room first. I knocked and waited before opening the door. Despite knocking they didn't seem to notice me, but I certainly noticed them making out. I knocked hard against the wall and Desiree jumped off of Warren's lap. 

"Oh shit," Warren said straightening out his shirt. 

"Two things, one this does go against school rules so I'll have to punish you two-" I spoke before being interrupted. 

"This goes against school rules, but fighting in a war doesn't?" Warren questioned. 

"Moving on, you two understand that no one can know what went on today? You both did very well and we're all proud of you, but your classmates can't know," I explained. They both nodded. What is a creative and cruel punishment for them? Hmm. Oh. I know exactly what to do. 

"So do we have detention or?" Desiree asked. 

"Sort of-" I started.

"This is gonna be bad," Warren informed Desiree.

"Seeing as this is our first school year, not all the curriculums are done. One, in particular, could use some feedback from older teenagers like yourselves..." I spoke smirking to myself. 

"It better not be what I think it is," Warren said. 

"You two will have to listen and give GOOD feedback on Mr. McCoy's sex-ed unit," I told them trying to contain my laughter. 

"NOO!" Warren yelled.

"This is cruel and unusual punishment," Desiree spoke. 

"I'd rather be expelled," Warren informed. 

"Hey, it should only be a few hours-" I started. 

"HOURS?!" They both yelled.

"... per topic," I added. 

"NOOO!" They yelled again.

"Yes," I spoke trying to hold in slightly evil laughter. 

"I'm dropping out," Warren announced. 

"No, you're not," I spoke calling his bluff. 

"No, I'm not," Warren said. 

An hour later

All the teachers gathered at the door to the shelter. I avoided Erik's gaze despite his staring at me. 

"So, everyone has cleaned up all the evidence and we were all grading papers," Scott informed us. We all nodded clear on the story we'd be telling the kids. Charles pulled the doors open just as the credits started to roll. The kids all scrambled up very tired and walked out of the room, as a distraction we all stuck our hands out for high fives as the kids walked past us. Despite being half asleep all the kids gave us high fives and a few even thanked us for a movie night. Overall, it seemed like everyone went according to plan. That was until I heard faint noises coming from outside the school, because of my improved hearing I heard it when the others didn't. 

"There are people outside," I spoke trying to make out what they were saying. 

"What do you mean?" Jean asked. 

"I can hear people a good amount of them outside, but I can't understand what they're saying," I spoke. 

"Crimson, you take Logan, Scott, and Erik and go investigate," Kurt ordered. We split up and soon my group was headed out in the direction of the noise. We had barely made it out of the driveway when we saw moving lights way up near the gates to the property. We kept moving in closer and the number of voices made it difficult to discern what they were saying. As we got closer I noticed the lights had an orange glow to them. 

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