Chapter 39

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Crimson's POV:

I couldn't let go of Erik. He died because of me. As I sobbed I felt myself becoming weaker and weaker. I laid my head down and then I heard it. The faintest and weakest heartbeat. I scrambled to my knees and laced my fingers together. I pressed down rhythmically on Erik's chest. The arrow had forced itself out of Erik's chest and the wound wasn't bleeding any more. I remembered Andrew's words, "You're on the verge of having a power you have never even dreamed of". Did my emotions cause a power surge that's saving him? No, that's impossible he's dead. Right? I kept up the chest compressions and his heartbeat grew stronger and faster. 

"Come on Erik!"

I became weaker and weaker as he became stronger. Every muscle in my body fought against me as I forced myself to keep going. 

"Coming back to life isn't dramatic enough for you? You're gonna make me work for it?"

I was barely pushing down anymore I was so tired. I bent down and I heard his heartbeat almost once a second. 

"You really are an attention whore, aren't ya?"

Hank's POV:

"Charles, I am so sorry"

Charles was silent for a while. Staring straight ahead before his expression shifted quickly. 

"That's not possible..."

"Charles, talk to me, what's going on?"

"She's bringing him back..."

Crimson's POV:

Exhausted I leaned back against a tree. I watched Erik's body as his chest slowly rose and fell. My eyes became heavy and I fought to stay conscious. Suddenly, Erik's eyes flew open and he sat bolt upright. He grabbed his chest and stared at it in confusion. He felt around for the arrow hole, but it wasn't there. He saw me and his eyes grew wide. He rushed over to me and grabbed my shoulders shaking me. 

"Come on, Crim stay with me"

I tried to, but I couldn't darkness enveloped me, and I finally gave in. 

Hank's POV:

"I know where they are!" Charles suddenly called out throwing the helmet off. I rushed after Charles as he quickly rolled away. Charles quickly turned around and stared me down. "You are staying, Crimson doesn't need you right now. Your presence will only make this situation worse. Stay here and let me handle this," Charles spoke in a firm tone leaving no room for argument. I nodded and knew I had to do something before they got back. Charles grabbed Logan and they quickly left the school, while I got to work. 

Erik's POV:

I grabbed hold of Crimson's body and lifted her off the ground. I walked back to the house as the sun was setting. I'm covered in blood. I was hit with an arrow to my heart. I bled out. I died. But I'm here? I feel fine. Nothing makes sense, but I need to focus on the task at hand. Through some strange miracle, she saved me, and now I've got to save her. 

Logan's POV:

Charles yelled directions at me from the passenger's seat. I drove as quickly as I could without crashing. I raced down the roads while Charles yelled lefts and rights. We pulled up over a hill and I saw a small farmhouse in a field near a forest.

"That's it! That's the place!"

Erik's POV:

I kicked the door open and moved inside the house. I quickly moved through the house and went up to Crimson's room. I gently laid her down on her bed. I grabbed a chair and pulled it up to the side of the bed. I brushed the hair from her face and grabbed one of her hands with both of mine. Now I wait. She will come back, right? She always does. 

Hank's POV:

I moved quickly through my lab grabbing everything I needed. I tried to work as quickly as possible, but I knew I wouldn't finish in time. Despite my instincts, I called out anyways.


Peter quickly sped into the room and took in the mess. 

"Quite the place you've got here"

"There's no time for sass! Let me show you what I need you to do"

"Fine, but it's no fun that way"

I showed Peter exactly how to set up each rod. Peter nodded along and then quickly sped around and finished all of them. I pulled a map of the school grounds out of a cabinet and stretched it out over the table. I showed Peter exactly where to place each rod and he sped away to place them all. Peter sped back and we walked outside. I pulled the remote from my pocket and pressed the go button. All the rods secured themselves into the earth and a bright purple extended out from them. The purple glow spread and all of them connected before the glow dissipated into an invisible barrier. 

Logan's POV:

I slowed the car down a bit, much to Charles's dismay. I pulled up to a stop in front of the modest house. I got out and helped Charles into his wheelchair. We moved towards the house and spotted the open door. We moved inside and I had to pick up Charles in his wheelchair and haul him up the stairs. We looked around before finding Erik in a bedroom holding Crimson's hand while she was unconscious in the bed. My instinct was to yell that him to stop touching my unconscious sister, but he's proved himself to be trusted with her. 

"She saved me, but it exhausted her," Erik spoke looking away from her. 

"Erik, it's not safe here you two have to come home," I said. 

"What about Hank?" Erik spat disgusted to say his name. 

"That poor excuse for a King told Hank he had to say all that or he would kill Crimson. He did it to save her," Charles explained. Erik looked very skeptical.

"Erik, we were able to restore his memory. Jean confirmed he wasn't lying. You want her to be safe? She won't be here and you know that Erik," I explained. 

"Fine, but I'm not leaving her side and Hank isn't seeing her," Erik spoke. 

"Deal," Charles and I spoke in sync. 

Erik picked up her body and carried her to the car before laying her down in the backseat. He then told me to grab their bags while he got her settled in the car. Begrudgingly I grabbed their bags and threw them in the trunk. I helped Charles into the passenger's seat and then got into the driver's seat. I started the car and began to drive home, a lot more careful this time. I glanced up to the rearview mirror and saw Erik had laid Crimson across the seats with her head resting on his lap. He stared down at her a worried expression on his face. Charles looked back and noticed them with a smile on his face. 

Erik's POV:

30 minutes later

We pulled up the school and passed through this strange invisible barrier. That was new. Logan opened the garage and pulled in. The car stopped and I carried Crimson into the mansion. Where do I take her? I'm not taking her to the room she shares with Hank. I can't take her to me and Charles' room. I can't take her to the medbay or lab because that's where Hank works. I'm not making her sleep on a couch somewhere. I finally thought of an idea and decided where to take her. I carried her up the room and opened the door. Inside Scott glanced up at me from where he sat on the bed. 

"Get off, she needs to rest. You can sleep in Jean's bed until she wakes up"

"What happened"

"It's a long story that doesn't make sense"

Scott quickly moved off the bed and I gently set Crimson down on it. Scott went to leave the room and I grabbed his arm and stared him in the eyes. 

"Hank can't see her."

Scott moved out of my grip and soon more people came by to see her. I explained enough for them to understand, but not too much to confuse them. I spoke with Charles and we caught up and decided to keep the whole me dying thing a secret. Hank wanted to explain his excuse to me, but I'm not leaving her and he's not seeing her. I remained in my spot waiting for Crimson to wake. 

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