Chapter 67

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Crimson's POV:

Weeks continued to come and go and not much changed. Charles and Erik continued to argue and not allow any of us to help. It was getting increasingly frustrating listening to them go on and never get anywhere. They are both incredibly stubborn and just go in circles. Every once in a while someone gets annoyed and tries to jump in and it never really goes well. Today their yelling was getting on my nerves. 

I finally got up from my seat on the couch and marched down to Charles' office. Despite my loud entry into the room neither of them seemed to notice me. 

"Boys!" I yelled louder than them. Both of them snapped their heads towards me in confusion and anger. "All of us have had enough of your arguing! Both of you sit down and talk this through like actual adults!".

"We are-" Charles started. 

"Sit down now," I ordered firmly. Finally, the boys complied and sat down. 

"Charles I think that the only way that this actually ends is for Kirk to die," Erik explained.

"I don't think that's needed. It's been weeks since he's done anything, there's no reason to agitate people or give them another reason to hate us," Charles explained.

"What if he's just planning something bigger? And besides, he's already killed some of us, Logan is dead because of him, don't forget that," Erik continued.

"Even if we kill him someone will just take his place, we need to make peace with them," Charles retorted. 

"These people don't listen to reason, we have to take action," Erik replied. 

"Does the action have to be murder?" I asked. 

"It's a permanent solution," Erik replied.

"Perhaps, there is a better middle ground, realistically if anyone can get these people to stand down or make peace it would be him," Charles answered.

"You want to make a deal with the devil?" Erik questioned.

"We can meet on neutral ground and try to make peace and have him see our way and if not we can create a backup plan that is more suited to Erik's methods," I proposed. 

"Agreed," Charles spoke.

"Fine," Erik answered. 

"Does this mean you two will finally shut up?" I asked. They both looked offended.

"Nothing could get me to shut up," Erik answered.

"Unfortunately," Charles whispered under his breath.

"Don't you have a wedding to plan?" Erik asked.

"Don't you two have bachelor and bachelorette parties to plan?" I retorted. Both of them instantly looked panicked. 

"Don't you have a honeymoon to plan?" Charles asked. Shit. The honeymoon. I have not thought about the honeymoon. 

"Touche. Boys. Touche." I spoke as I left the office.

Erik's POV:

"So, how do we divide everyone up for the two parties?" I asked. A large smile crept unto Charles' face and I sensed he wanted me to ask that. 

"I am so glad you asked, I have planned for this already," Charles announced getting up and walking over to his blank whiteboard. 

"Are you pausing to be dramatic or?" I asked. Charles sighed and flipped the whiteboard over to reveal a pyramid made of cards with our friends' names on them. Oh no, he really planned ahead. Charles grabbed a marker and labeled one side of the board with Crimson and the other with Hank. 

"We're going to have a good-old-fashioned draft. Here are the top-tier friends, they know how to party and they know the bride and groom well. Down here is second-tier friends, either they know the bride and groom well or they know how to party, you get first pick," Charles explained gesturing to the board. 

I stood up and approached the board. The two top-tier friends are Scott and Peter. Peter is the king of game night, but he's also my son. Can I really be at the top of my game with my son in the room? Decisions, decisions. I finally made mine. I grabbed Scott's name and placed it on Crimson's side. 

"Not your own son?" Charles questioned in an accusatory tone. 

"Him being my son is why I didn't pick him," I answered.

Charles quickly took Peter and placed him on Hank's side. 

"I get first pick for this tier," Charles announced. I shrugged and let him pick. He looked at the board for a while before picking Kurt. Two names left. Jean or Jubilee? Jean knows Crimson better, but if I have her and Scott they will just make out the whole time. I made my choice and grabbed Jubilee's name from the board. Charles grabbed Jean's name and it was finished. 

"My party will be better," I teased.

"Nope, mine will be so much better," Charles replied. 

"Charles, love, you have a lot of talents, but this type of party isn't your specialty," I teased again.

"You better not get more tattoos," Charles ordered.

"You better not go sit in a library the whole night," I teased him once more.

Author's Note:

I am very sorry for how spaced out all the updates have been, with the school year coming to an end there is lots of work to be done and very little time to do it. However, I only have two more weeks of classes and then the schedule should be back to normal. 

Bonus Note:

I do also post X-Men content on TikTok, you can find me @hankmccoypleasemarryme

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