Chapter 23

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Crimson's POV:

I managed to avoid everyone on my way up to my room to get cleaned up. I was about halfway through my shower when I saw it; the damn spork tattoo. Why did I ever think letting Peter Maximoff tattoo whatever he wants on was a good idea? Everyone warns you about the danger of drugs, but no one warns you about people who dress like cutlery. I finished getting cleaned up and got dressed again. What should I do today? As if she was mind reader- oh shit she is, Jean entered my mind. 

"Hank wants to see you in the lab... NOT LIKE THAT"

"Jean please leave my head, neither of us need more trauma"

Okay, I think she's gone. I decided to go right back to the lab. I made my way through the now-familiar, but still confusing halls of the school. I eventually arrived and Hank seemed absolutely overjoyed. 

"You're never going to guess what I made!"

"Is it a way to remove tattoos because that would be great right about now"

Hank came up and wrapped his arms around me and picked up, spinning the two of us around a few times.

"Even better!"

"A way to make you shorter? I'm gonna get neck problems from kissing you"

"Unfortunately I will always be 6'3", but the neck problems... Well, let's just say you don't have to worry about those"

"Bones, are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"I'm 90% sure we're on the same page"

"Then you go first"

"I found a way to get your powers back! All of them!"

I practically leapt into Hank's arms and held onto him.

"Thank you! Oh god, I love you! Thank you so much!"

"Are you ready?"

"Hell yeah!"

Hank pulled out a syringe and I closed my eyes, practically bursting with excitement. I felt him pull my sleeve up and stick the needle into my arm. He pulled the needle back out and I couldn't help but hug him again.

"Let's test it out, punch me on the arm"

"I don't really want to hurt you"

"There are other ways"

"Crimson no"

"Crimson yes"

"Crimson no"

"Oh god are those a new flavor of twinkie!?"

Peter sped into the room and was instantly disappointed. 

"Silverware can you please punc-"

Peter hit me on the arm, before speeding away again. I didn't feel any pain and there was no bruise forming. IT WORKED!

"Hank McCoy you are a genius!"

"Correction, I am your genius"

A few hours later

Erik and Charles had returned from their honeymoon and went straight back to business. They called everyone into the lounge and we all gathered around eagerly. It seemed very serious and I think everyone was at least a bit nervous. Erik cleared his throat and got all of our attention. 

"We all have received anonymous invitations to a certain event as what I imagine is a show of good faith between humans and mutants. I expect all of you to be on your absolute best behavior at the royal ball"

"Heh ball" Peter giggled.

"Royal ball?" Jean questioned.

"Those are a real thing?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, Charles and I snuck into one when he was in school," Raven added.

"As Erik said, we have to do our best to represent our kind because many world leaders will be attending and no doubt watching our every move," Charles spoke. 

"Be ready to leave tomorrow afternoon and find appropriate clothes for the occasion,"

That reminded me of something I had done a little bit ago. I nudged Hank with my elbow and leaned in before whispering. 

"I have a surprise for you, come up to my room when we're done here"

Logan cleared his throat and glared daggers at us. 

After the meeting 

Hank and I had made our way to my room.

"Bones, close your eyes and hold out your hands"

He did as I said and I got down on the ground and reached for the box hidden under my bed. I finally grabbed it and pulled it out from underneath the bed. I took the top off and pulled Hank's now fixed favorite jacket out. I carefully placed the folded jacket into his hands. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the jacket. His eyes widened and he broke out into a huge grin. 

"Did you fix my favorite jacket?"

"Of course, I know how much it means to you and now you'll get to wear it to a royal ball"

"I love you so much"

"I mean it's no get your powers back magic serum"

"Oh, hush you losing the ability to die... permanently or feel any pain is really a gift to myself"

"OOOOOO somebody cares about me"



"Fine. Fine. I love you"

"I love you"

The following evening

I was in my solo hotel room and it was time to get ready. Despite the lack of time we had all managed to find royal-worthy outfits. I pulled on an elegant dark red gown and some simple black wedges and as well. As much as despise dresses, this one was kind of growing on me. I made some final touches to my look and set off to the front of the hotel. 

Everyone looked stunning in their outfits. Charles and Erik had matching suits, Kurt's suit had a little slit for his tail, Peter had a simple black suit with a reflective silver tie, and Hank stood in his suit which included his favorite jacket. We all clambered into a limousine and drove off towards Buckingham Palace. 

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