Chapter 31

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Crimson's POV:

I woke up and was confused by the comfortable surface I was laying on. I sat up and looked around in a panic. Where am I? What's going on?

"Erik? Erik!"

The door burst open and Erik came in looking confused. He looked around and saw me. 

"Erik where are we?"

"We came home, everything is alright"

"We came home?"

"Yeah, everything is fine. We're safe now"

I started to remember. Erik was right, we're home, but everything is not alright. 

"Sorry, Erik, I forgot for a minute there"

"It's fine, I did the same thing. It freaked Charles out, he thought someone messed with my memories"

"I can picture the look on his face"

"It wasn't funny at the time, but looking back on it..."

Erik quietly left the room and closed the door. I laid back down on Peter's couch. I'm a little concerned as to why Peter has such a comfortable couch. It's best not to think about that while I'm on it. I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. I started to drift away and was quickly interrupted by Jean in my head.

"Crimson you're needed in the lab"

"Jean, no offence, but why are you doing the mental announcements?"

"Charles doesn't have powers at the moment, he traded them to walk"

"He what?!"

"Don't worry about it, Erik will probably talk some sense into him and fix it"

"Let's hope so"

Begrudgingly I sat up and threw the blanket off me. I escaped the tornado that was Peter's room and walked to my and Hank's room. I knocked on the door and waited. Silence. I knocked again, much louder this time. Still no answer. I slowly opened the door and thankfully the room was empty. I grabbed some clothes and went to change in the bathroom, which also was thankfully empty. I left the room and started towards the lab. Soon the gust of wind passed and wouldn't know it Peter and Scott were here. I saw the look on their faces and knew someone told them what happened.

"Boys, I specifically avoided inviting you to my pity party," I spoke trying to brush past them. Scott grabbed my arm and pulled me back. 

"Good thing we're well versed in sneaking in," Peter said.

"We just wanted to see if we could help," Scott continued.

"I don't think you guys can fix this," I spoke.

"We can help cheer you up though," Peter said.

"And maybe get you some time with Hank..." Scott spoke.

"Fine, what's the plan?" I asked.

A few minutes later

"I will see you two later," I spoke. I finally made it to the lab. I pushed the door open and the familiar sight of Hank hunched over looking at something. I stood there and watched him work for a minute, he seemed so focused. I had to break the silence before I got caught staring, "I was told I'm needed here". Hank looked up and stared at me with a very confused look on his face.

"Right, we need to do a little check-up now that you're back from..."

"Prison in the Pentagon"

Hank forced a smile and just nodded. 

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